Monday 9 September 2024

Tea on the Grass, with Sandwiches and Genocide.

It has been said that the Israeli Zionist project is a Genocidal 19th Century crime foisted upon a 21st Century world. I've heard it uttered, from various sources, shamefully, fearfully, tearfully, angrily, desperately, many ways, none of them with a semblance of pride! So, how is one honestly expected to speak of Crimes of such towering immensity?

When Israel's hateful plan is 'complete,' as 'envisaged' by the the Israeli State, should the very worst come to pass, how will the wider world then be expected to regard the perpetrators? Will the globe, once again, be permitted to regard the map and see for itself that, well, who could have known, Israel's actually situated in Asia? Will 'our' MSM finally relent and unearth the truth of those countless War Crimes? Which nations and individuals will be charged with the rebuilding? Who will deal with the bodies? Where will those who have escaped the Genocide be expected to live? Where will the thousands upon thousands of wounded citizens reside? Will the spoken numbers reflect actual fatalities or will these need to be 'modified' to sit more comfortably in the lap of 'the globe's most moral army?' Will the tales of War Criminals be listened to with polite nodding? Will international Human Rights once again be reanimated, once more become internationally pertinent- not to be vetoed by the USA? Will that questionable nation (Israel) finally 'settle down' and stop bombing and killing and torturing its 'neighbours' and hope to begin chatting 'amiably, as if the Genocide may so casually be swept under the carpet? As if the whole Genocidal affair never actually happened?

When the tea is poured, and the cucumber sandwiches distributed amongst the guests, what might be said? How will the conversation go? What will the globe hear? Will hands, those not murdered, those not atomised beneath a weight of Mediterranean rubble, be warmly shook, niceties exchanged? Will we all smile and pretend that Israel is no longer a nation capable of [cheering on] Genocide, guilty of celebrating War Crimes, guilty of the Torture of Minors, guilty of using Human Beings as Sniper Practice, guilty of tying human beings to the fronts of tanks (Human Shields) then driven into and over other people's lands and properties, conceivably guilty of Infanticide on horrific scale, guilty of Ethnic Cleansing, guilty of Weaponising Famine and Disease? Will we pretend that Israel is a nation we can trust not to bomb (conceivably) even our own shores, should it so wish? "Warm today, isn't it?" "Looking forward to the World Cup?"
Best not to mention the goalkeeper's time in the IDF!

What could be said in the wake of the Genocide?
How might we normalise Ethnic Cleansing?
Pretend we're all once again at peace?
"How do we, in the 'civilized' world, think we should deal with the threat of China?"
"Record on human rights leaves a lot to be desired, don't yuh know?"
"One's inclined to think Putin's a bit of a concern."

Should we be glib. Light-hearted, off-hand, dismissive? Will we be able to select our own speakers, or will these continue to be vetted and handed down? Pray, please God, that there will not be children to watch!

For those sitting up and paying attention...
... via the various news outlets, the UK has learned much about itself of late:
That faith in Main Stream Media has fallen to an all-time low.
That acceptance of the BBC's narrative is at its most jaded.
That pride in the UK's international history is at its weakest.
That the nation is at its most unequal in people's living memory.
That the integrity of the UK's politicians has never before been held in such contempt. Still, way too highly, some might contest.

All in all, the nation has reaped what it has sown. It's about where any reasonably attentive citizen might expect it to be.

See, the flip side to [Israel's] Settler-Colonial Genocide is going to come at a cost! Mostly now, the globe appears to recognise that the act of colonialism has poorly served its various populations, but still that acceptance has yet to have been responsibly 'owned,' particularly in correlation to each individual nation's culpability! The reckoning is ongoing!

Nation's have responded variably to their years of Cultural Vandalism, Human Displacements and conceivable Genocidal Behaviours. Certain Australian citizens have responded with open aggression- how dare outsiders (or insiders) tell them how 'their' lands should be divvied-up! Not all but significant numbers. Of course, Australia has its own shameful past! An enforced program of attempting to completely Assimilate the Aborigine population out of existence, Forcible Displacement of its native citizens.

With its greater landmass the US of A finds itself with superior swathes of fertile lands, so poorly and jealously measured out to its native populations whose lands it stole and Colonised. Yet, even this is as nothing compared to its Colonial Ambitions without, mostly covert. In terms of imagery the US is almost spoilt for choice. Perhaps a storm-damaged 'Hollywood' boarding best represents the nation, risen like so much unsightly and unburied refuse upon the hillside. Significant regions of the globe may still rightly regard the US as, 'over-paid, over ________ and over here!' Those expansive ambitions remain far too unsustainable for just the single planet. "We will coup whoever we want,” Elon Musk once wrote, “deal with it." With goals such as those of the US of A, we shouldn't be that surprised to see that it remains, way and above, the most tolerant of Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Expansionism. Scholars of the US would do well to obtain a copy of 'How to Hide an Empire,' by Daniel Immerwahr, something of an eye opener!

'Rule Britannia...' and all that. It was once claimed that, 'the sun never set upon the British Empire.' Respondents have parried with, 'that's because God would be unwise to trust the Brits in the dark.' Several nations have dabbled with their various empirical ambitions; the UK has not been the first. It is, however, a very strong contender for having 'recently' ruled over the most expansive empire in modern history- modern enough that the remnants are still shaking off the yoke of their former oppressor! Modern enough that 'pride in the empire' has become a highly disputed subject in the national curriculum. Yet far enough in the past that the UK's covert masters have acted to steal a march upon the historians. 'Operation Legacy'- hatched and undertaken still in living memory- has been a shameful effort to overwrite aspects of the nation's more unsavoury past, to locate and destroy thousands of files documenting crimes committed in the name of empire, incidents recognised as 'unsuitable' for the proud history books! Unsavoury actions carried out in over 20 former and (then) current colonies. Something of an admission of guilt! Something of a recognition that Empire Building is a highly questionable exercise!

Israel, by every measure, finds itself well behind each and every one of these curves! Yet, it seems inevitable, at some point in the 'near' future, that the nation will expect/demand (AIPAC, Labour Friends of Israel, CAA) to be afforded continuation of their 'exceptionalist' status. Afforded access to international sporting events, afforded the cloak of European convenience, as and when deemed 'desireable.' Civilization will be hoping and praying the Israeli nation's fondness for selective War Crimes, as defined by the ICC, the ICJ, Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, B'tSalem and a growing host of others, will have run its abhorrent course whilst there still survives a human population in Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights.

Israel's IDF currently displays scant evidence of due regard for human life. Likelihood of any change in direction remains uncertain at best. If one enables the mass murderer whilst entrusting that same character to a) cease killing at some vague time in the future, and then b) adjudge whether all further murders are actually murder, or else the result of any other vague cause under the sun, what, do we imagine, will be the likelihood that the murdering will stop? If Israel is able to target and shoot citizens also of Europe and the USA, in the absolute knowledge that the USA and Europe will continue to hand out free passes, what are the chances that Israel will stop murdering people/anyone? 'Exceptionalism' writ large! An exceptional contempt for human life!

But, here's the thing. There's no such thing as 'exceptionalism.' If there were, it could hardly be expected to apply solely to the two most Genocidal nations currently upon the Earth! Should one ever doubt this truth, watch the children. When you're next out, with time to sit and ponder, watch the children! Watch the children! Listen to them laugh. Listen to them chattering to their parents; conversations between parent and child. Then look up the latest figures on child mortality inside Occupied Palestine. Not the figures from the IDF! Not their respective relayers! Instead, consider the figures from the humanitarians.

11th May 2022: Murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, shot by member of IDF in the Occupied West Bank.
1st April 2024: 7 World Central Kitchen staff targeted, tracked and systematically murdered inside Gaza Strip via IDF drone strike (x3).
7th September 2024: Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, shot by member of IDF in the Occupied West Bank.
The number of Journalists targeted and murdered by the IDF inside Gaza continues to climb beyond 130.
The number of Aid Workers, Doctors, Nurses murdered by the IDF is currently incalculable.
The USA continues to permit the IDF to investigate all killings inside the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Israel routinely denies culpability, downplays the immense number of fatalities and wounded.
Israel routinely applies the label of 'Terrorist' to anyone murdered, killed, living or dead, inside the Occupied Palestinian Territories, as and when suits the Israeli narrative.
Western MSM continues to air the latest propaganda from Israel and the IDF, such that each and every Israeli excuse, lie and obfuscation may be permitted to perpetuate the Israeli/US/Western narrative.
The USA continues to veto every ruling and move undertaken by the International Courts who are attempting to hold Israel to account.
USA, Germany and the UK continue to arm Israel and the IDF, whilst pretending distress at the scale of the murder. Check their smiles in the publicity shots, taken during their tours of Israel.

Presumably, all of these details will be 'off the table' when the Victoria Sponge is sliced.

"Champers, anyone?"

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