Friday 21 April 2023
The Dishonourable Toolmaker's Son.
In the unlikely event that you missed the memo, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's father was a toolmaker. Likely far too momentous to have also featured upon this first, weighty memo, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was once the Head of the Crown Prosecution Service. Two memos!
It has been demonstrated that the UK's Main Stream Media is, at best, inconsistent. The BBC's recent debacle with Gary Lineker would be a case in point. Further, if one steps back and surveys the range of other 'main stream' outlets, then one may also be given to surmise that the scope of political allegiances at the top of the various establishments is not very wide-ranging. One is still at liberty to access information regarding either ownership and/or editorial make-up of the 'different' organisations. Having done so, in the light of resultant, irrefutable evidence and by association, it would appear that the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has demonstrated himself to be generally compliant to the 'slant' being aired. Yet, even so, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has, thus far, shown little to impress. 'Underwhelming' is a term that springs to mind. And, 'underwhelming' with favourable winds, soft lighting and a considerable deal of editorial leeway. To those who 'support' him, stand in line behind him, relay his whipped messaging, and supportively don the rose-tints the evidence must, by now, have begun to gall. The YouGov site has done some work here.
Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's stance of hanging limply in the breeze has yet to reap those jealously sought gains. In stark behavioural contrast, adopting his Stalinist role as head of the Labour Party, we find that thin ice and threat also has yet to yield the desired 'popularity,' even the sort of superficial popularity that may be routinely and religiously caked on prior to each and every public outing. 'Collar up or collar down?' has, thus far, reaped minimal returns. Within the shelled Party base he currently commands a 37% positivity rating. Amongst the wider public the positives are further thinned out, leaving him with a 20% positivity rating. As many as one in five, that high??
Right Honourable Member, Nadhim Zahawi's YouGov predictably ushers incurious minds clear of mounting evidence to the contrary, instead the linked page tentatively hints at the Labour Party's former (weaponised) issue with antisemites. The rosettes may clap obediently and loudly bang their wooden spoons against pots yet, even so, approaching half (41%) of the Party faithful remains unconvinced.
One could be forgiven for never having heard tell of Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's commissioned Forde Report. Of note here, the report was actually commissioned by the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer. Even if one had stumbled upon mention of the Forde Report one would have had to venture beyond the boundaries of MSM to have unearthed any of the report's findings. QC Martin Forde's words and conclusions have, thus far, fallen upon stony ground. In light of the veritable circus that was made of 'The Labour Party's pseudo-saturation of antisemitism' this fact should be of considerable concern to anyone with honourable expectations from the nation's news coverage. Again, 'inconsistent.' Or, consistent in an altogether more worrisome manner?
The fact that Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was named, by Labour Party supporting parents, after Keir Hardie, may or may not have crept into the public collective consciousness. A former member of Labour Young Socialists in East Surrey, one could ponder whether current leader, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, might yet have excluded younger self, plain Keir Rodney Starmer. The inconvenient historical snippet likely flutters back and forth, depending upon who might be the current targeted audience. The Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has formerly written for magazines, 'Socialist Alternatives' and 'Socialist Lawyer.' As recently as during the Labour leadership contest he stood 'alongside' picketing University College Union staff, pledging 'heartfelt support' (at least whilst the TV cameras were there, collar down on that occasion). In 2021 Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was condemned by and dismissed from the Haldane Society of Lawyers for a raft of justifiable reasons:
* Starmer’s ‘appalling policy positions’
* his manoeuvres to force Labour MPs to support a bill to allow ‘intelligence sources’ – including civilians – to commit crimes
* his disregard for migrants’ rights
* his assault on free speech
* his behaviour over schools during the pandemic
* his lack of support for unions
* his inaction on anti-Black and anti-Muslim racism
* his inaction over abuse of transgender people
For reasons upon which we could speculate the BBC appears to have steered clear.
Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, currently presides as Leader of the Opposition, which, in statistical terms, shows him as
a) elected but not at the fore of governmental power
b) currently at the head of the second largest group of elected MPs
Both of which are factually accurate, at present, and may be stated as simple matter of fact. Also factually accurate is the title, 'Leader of the Labour Party,' although the latter 'appellation' frequently presents as more problematic, because 'Leader of the Labour Party' carries with it an element above simple numerical weight, an air of authority, the suggestion that the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer might be the current embodiment, the essence, of the 'Labour Movement,' at least that part that currently resides within the House of Commons.' Yet, if we conjure up any image- imagined or otherwise- of the wider Labour Movement it is surely impossible not to conjure up also supporters, perhaps crowds, the embodiment of hope amongst the 'ordinary' working class. And, herein lies a hurdle.
The former, much-distanced, leader of the Labour Party enthused the requisite crowds and sparked hope from the wider labour movement, whereas Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer struggles in this domain. 'Collar up collar down?' Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, instead, still requires significant 'wardrobe' assistance in the field. At conference, where expulsions, exclusions, camera angles, security and, of course, the BBC's well documented art of judicial editing are ready PR tools, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's tentative outings into the wider public remain strained. Cardboard cut-out, perhaps. Archived footage and images of larger gatherings- other crowds, other speakers- may require Photoshopping, cropping, close-ups to exclude the yawning empty spaces just out of shot. There is always the chance that the sharp-eyed observer will spot the omission, the crop, the misrepresentation, * the (big) lie!
Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG was once, allegedly, a Trotskyist, brought about after reading the first volume of Isaac Deutscher's biography of Leon Trotsky. Whilst cramponing his trajectory to Leader of the Labour Party he, allegedly, made it clear to then Labour leader Michael Foot that he had "come to Socialism through Marxism" and considered himself on the left. Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG, allegedly, believed that the "Labour right" was bankrupt. "Socialism ultimately must appeal to the better minds of the people," Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG, allegedly, proclaimed. Friend and colleague, David Blunkett, Baron Blunkett, was once described by various individuals as a highly vociferous member of the "Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire," allegedly showing support for the 1984-85 (NUM) striking miners and declaring Sheffield City Council a "nuclear-free zone." David Blunkett, Baron Blunkett, allegedly and in the 1980s, was a prominent member of the labelled "loony left," steadfastly refusing to cooperate with the then government program of rate-capping (solely) certain Labour-run councils.
The above alleged facts are all readily available, easily accessible. Imagine the rich seam pertaining to the wider membership that might yet await the more determined miner. Weaponising the information, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer might then seek to have members expelled or temporarily excluded, timed to coincide with any due and ongoing selection processes, omitted from (say) council, mayoral, NEC or other internal Labour Party selection processes, de-selected from prospective parliamentary elections, or he might not. The processes would either draw the full attention of the MSM, painting the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer as the 'worst sort of Stalinist,' or it would not, in which case the theatre might proceed, the audience either blissfully or wilfully 'unaware' regarding the immense (and thoroughly dishonourable) backstage efforts afoot. Imagine!
Deploying the shadowy figure of one David Evans, current General Secretary of the Labour Party, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has opted for the former. For reasons best known to those who own the newspapers, who rig the TV and radio stations, the UK's MSM has opted to ride the slipstream, to remain shtum. Moral bankruptcy aside, the British Empire was not founded upon ignorance- not their's anyway- nor was it founded upon democracy. Students of British history will, no doubt, recognise the pattern as very much a continuum. Even so, Operation Legacy is going to require some serious modification if it is to progress in quite such an efficient and ruthless manner.
Dutiful members of the Labour Party may, indeed should, have felt obligated to familiarise themselves with the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's recentish adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism. The document is short and to the point, as should be any, essentially, anti-racist definition. Due and resultant obligation of members should have been twofold:
1) to ensure that no transgressions ensue,
and, not immediately evident,
2) to ensure that the authority choosing to adopt said definition cannot seek to exploit any specific wording or phraseology to the detriment of the diligent member.
Within the main body of the Labour Party, part one should have been simple, straight forward, a given. Amongst the vast majority of Labour members- ideally the whole- it should not be unreasonable to expect, and to embrace, full and whole-hearted agreement. But then, merely to have had to also consider the second part might suggest potential transgressions, perhaps unforeseen concerns.
With hindsight, observing the events which seamlessly followed, hot on the heels of the adoption, would surely lead any seriously impartial journalist to conclude that transgressions, which did not so much 'trickle down' as 'cascade;' were not so much 'unforeseen' as 'calculated for. ' Did not Angela Raynor, in her fit of peak, hint at the major artillery that had always lain in wait? 'Unforeseen concerns' tended to revolve around the words:
"the following examples may serve as illustrations."
more specifically, the vast accumulation of 'evidence' that swiftly built up in relation and/or pertaining to example number 7:
"Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour."
Also, the subtle nuances being brushed upon around mention of 'the actions' or 'the state' of "Israel." Nuances are only really 'nuances' so long as they remain nuanced when viewed from both sides... it turns out the Westminster lobby pass journalist is not 'passed' to cover certain nuances, maybe also 'no longer adequately equipped' to do so?
By the end of 2021 the BBC 'calculated' the loss of former members to have been in the region of 90,000. As of August 2022, the Independent reckoned the figure to have risen to just shy of 100,000. Middle East Eye broke from the pack in seeking to delve more into who, multiples thereof, it was that was actually being expelled. The nation wanted to know, 'how could the Labour Party have harboured so very many antisemites?' The MSM (lobby pass) attack-dogs orchestrated a pile on!
Meanwhile, many of the smaller and independent sites, with their more honourable, democratic goals and absence of lobby passes, busily set about unearthing and reporting upon precisely which types of offence were being committed, instances proving very much more difficult to trace than was otherwise being 'reported.' Instances were proving elusive, vague, mostly absent. More noise was being called for. Cavalry at the BBC and the Guardian sounded the reveille!
Comprising ostensibly loyal Jewish members of the Labour Party, Jewish Voice for Labour set about delving a little deeper. Minimal effort soon reaped rewards. JVL discovered that the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, was, in fact, questionably using the shield of 'antisemitism' with which to attack, calculatedly suspend, and/or expel, disproportionately, Jewish members. An extensive Labour Report on the issue of antisemitism within the Party unearthed the unreported detail of '0.24% of the membership having been investigated.' Whilst a fraction of these may indeed have transgressed, the figure recorded merely 'investigations.' So, somewhere fewer than 0.24% of members. A wider survey by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research reported 5% amongst the general public being guilty of harbouring some antisemitic thoughts, so over twenty times greater. Figures that did not support the purge were, quite naturally suppressed. Lobby pass MSM completely circumnavigated the issue, hence the leak.
Historically, the major party of antisemitsim has consistently been the Conservative one but, as Coulson's image might contest, "we don't do history!" Well, "only selectively.". The Campaign Against Antisemitism has fairly consistently found the Conservative Party to harbour the greater number of antisemitic attitudes.
Those denied Westminster lobby passes discovered that Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's Party was in fact 'purging' five times as many Jewish (former) members as non-Jewish ones. When Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer elected to further widen the 'antisemitism net and to proscribe four groups 'currently then' residing within the Labour Party- 'Socialist Appeal,' Labour in Exile,' Labour Against the Witchhunt' and 'Resist'- the mirror finally cracked, any lingering doubt was surely and finally dispelled. The lobby group did not concur; the mirror was duly replaced, with a different yet indistinguishable mirror.
When Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, via sidekick David Evans, elected to retrospectively proscribe those same four Labour Party groups- thus expelling yet further members for, essentially, an absence of clairvoyancy- expectations of the lobby group reaction were suitably low. The Westminster lobby group did not disappoint. Or rather, they continued to do so!
The Labour Party, even Angela Raynor, are somewhat cagey upon the subject but it has been estimated that as many as 200,000 former members have now left the Party, one in three, the vast, vast majority of them without having been expelled. Concerned about potential bankruptcy, Ann Black of Labour's National Executive was anxious to discover more. The top five reasons, she discovered, were:
👉 Bullying of members and attacks on party democracy
👉 The party’s treatment of Corbyn and the Left
👉 Starmer’s support for apartheid Israel and the right-wing Jewish group, the Board of Deputies
👉 ‘Labour no longer represents us’
👉 Starmer is a liar / can’t be trusted
Entirely predictably, incidents of antisemitism in the UK are on the rise, recorded to be up 34% between 2020 and 2021. Israel's ongoing pogrom against Palestinians and the state's war crimes and persecution of Palestinian people in the illegally occupied colonies has, no doubt, contributed to the 34% rise. When Labour MP Kim Johnson spoke truth to the Commons Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer immediately disciplined the member and, within hours, she was carefully retracting the facts. But, as Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer understands in his capacity as former Director of Public Prosecution, facts cannot be made to work like that. In the latest annual 'trust in the media' survey of 24 countries the UK ranked second to bottom, its lowest standing since the survey's origins.
As Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, personally or via suitable acolyte vessel, loves to remind his fast shrinking audience, he is, "not Jeremy Corbyn," and that he "intends to root out antisemitism!" The smaller venues, the nodding BBC presenter of choice, may serve to drive home the message... or, perhaps, not... The Right Honourable Sir Keir Starmer is very precise, with his 'former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service' words, never will he fumble the term and let slip, "anti-racist." Historically, of course, he has even been caught taking the knee- collar most definitely down!- during "a moment." Or, was it a misplaced 'moment of royal deference' stock photo? We all have them, Sir Keir, those, what, 'embarrassing moments?' But, just to be clear, 'antisemitism!' Not, 'anti-racism?'
Neither has the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, been quite so very comfortable, collar up or down, wearing his 'anti-sex-pest' suit. Recent investigations have suggested that there may be as many as 56 'serving' MPs facing allegations of sexual misconduct, 56 known about MPs. More targeted investigations have uncovered that at least two currently reside within the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, front bench. MP Neil Coyle, likely, more keenly appreciates Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's dilemma. Thank heavens that the union jack is inanimate. Lighting, collar down, Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, "is not Jeremy Corbyn!"
Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was appointed Queen's Council, at the age of 39, in 2002. In 2008 the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was made Director of Public Prosecutions. During PMQs, in 2022, alleged, already notorious fabricator, Right Honourable Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson PM, in an effort to distract from any number of personal, national or international misadventures, accused Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer of 'stopping Jimmy Savile from being charged.' The confected smokescreen duly arose and, as is the nature of smoke, billowed and rolled, intertwined, morphed and remorphed, such that it was very soon made impossible to fully distinguish genuine and resultant outrage from the original smoke! All the same, the questionable fact refuses to go back into its box. Citizens of certain age will recall the voice of Jimmy Savile upon the BBC (Yakety Yak!), increasingly, his features upon the BBC (Top of the Pops), increasingly his lecherous behaviour, his self-aggrandisement (Jim'll Fix It), increasingly his inadequate shorts, his skimpy string vest. It would be fair to comment that Jimmy Savile started creeping-out certain viewers and listeners several decades prior to his long-overdue and posthumous unmasking!
Thank heavens that the law courts do not operate upon the say-so of creeped-out school children. None-the-less, when Alison Levitt QC drew her conclusions from the consequent investigation into whether the CPS had been right not to charge Jimmy Savile she expressed reservations. She went on to say that, “On the face of it, the allegations made were both serious and credible; the prosecutor should have recognised this and sought to “build a prosecution.” Three of the victims told her that if they had received more information from the police at the time of the investigation- and particularly if each had been told she was not the only woman who had complained- they would “probably have been prepared to give evidence.” QC Alison Levitt said that, in the case of two of the allegations, there would have been a “realistic prospect of conviction” if the women had given evidence. When 'Full Fact' reached out to both the Labour Party and the CPS, in order to delve that little bit deeper, a spokesperson stated that, “in line with the established data retention policy”, none of the records for the decision not to charge Savile in 2009 were kept. Starmer duly apologised and spoke of a "watershed moment," and, with much public support from many highly reputable sources and individuals, he was not judged, nor was he sanctioned retrospectively.
Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions when the Crown Prosecution Service (again) decided not to pursue the police killing of Jean Charles da Sila de Menezes on 22nd July 2005. On 4th May 2006 the Crown Prosecution Service announced that no charges would be filed. The misnomer 'Independent' Police Complaints Commission had allegedly initiated two, no two, investigations. Good enough for the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer. In 2010 Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions, announced the decision not to prosecute the police officer Simon Harwood in relation to the unlawful killing of Ian Tomlinson, a decision which led to accusations by Tomlinson's family of a police cover-up. In a publicly driven effort to reverse the decision, Harwood was subsequently prosecuted for manslaughter. Harwood was acquitted but dismissed from the force.
When it came to light that the police had, for nearly four decades, been infiltrating small leftwing groups, some officers fathering and then abandoning their own children, instead of helping to uncover the national deceit, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, then Director of Public Prosecutions, again opted to defer. In 2021, Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, whipped Labour MPs to support the updated SpyCops Bill. Thirty-four Labour MPs defied the Chief Whip.
Julian Assange has been, effectively, left to die in Belmarsh Prison, maybe worse still to come! Assange brought about degrees of actual journalism that Westminster lobby-pass 'journalists,' likely, do not even bother to dream of. Amongst the many scoops he achieved through Wikileaks- for which the world owes him a great debt- Assange highlighted to the public the US Apache helicopter, Crazy Horse 1-8, gunning down 11 unarmed civilians, on 12th July 2007. The Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, then Director of Public Prosecutions, reacted to Assange's avante guarde journalism by ensuring that inhumanely imprisoned Assange be fast-tracked through to extradition and likely further torture in the US. When the Swedish team showed hesitancy he replied, "Don't you dare get cold feet." Hats off to Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Director of Public Prosecutions! Ken Loach, also expelled from the Labour Party, has sought to shed light upon Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's role in the political imprisonment of Julian Assange. There are many conspiracy theories floating about, most of them patently absurd, but even the worst of them does seem to serve its purpose. At the time the Guardian Newspaper prided itself as being at the fore in breaking this human rights story...
... the Westminster lobby-pass 'journalists, really, might as well not be there.
Since days of knighthood and honorary righteous battles of yore Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has broadened his horizons, the casualties of war littering the fields, Prime Ministerial office glittering alluringly in the distance. He has left behind the £160,000 bill of chauffeur-driven rides for walking distance (4 mile) journeys to the Crown Prosecution Service. Left behind those days of First Class inter-continental flights. Left with us the £20,000 worth of four first class flights to good ol' DC! Taken merely £1,000,000 as 'Head of the Crown Prosecution Service,' £336,000 in pension benefits. Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Director of Public Prosecutions, seriously depleted army, has moved on. Far less over-remunerated- over-remunerated, none-the-less- successor Alison Saunders managed the same feat at around a 70% reduction in costs to the general public.
Isn't it often said that money attracts money? To put a bit of modern day spin upon the term, one might opine that 'money of a specific sort attracts further money of similar sorts.' So, operating within such a value system, it must come as little surprise to learn that Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, is able to (almost) bankrupt the Party he professes to lead, whilst raking in quite so very much on a more personal level. Already he writes for Murdoch's Sun newspaper, effectively lowering any remaining bar yet further. Almost, it comes as no surprise to learn that Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, has shown himself easily capable of crawling under that same, aforementioned, remnant bar, by accepting donations from Mulalley and Co Limited, the cladding company recently ordered to pay £10.8 millions for their role in the Grenfell Tower travesty.
Former Director of Public Prosecutions, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's Labour Party's recentish attack (ad) on PM Sunak has rounded upon an individual (and his wife) who really deserve very little leeway- whatever it is, the pair likely already owns many more than they require. The UK's sagging democracy, however, deserves a great deal better! Not content with dragging the Labour Party (unreported) through the thickest and oiliest mud, a falsely emboldened Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has now set about trashing that tiny remnant of decency that remains hanging. Whatever else 'the Sunaks' may legitimately be targeted for, 'favouring the mass liberty of child molesters' should not be numbered amongst them. More to the point, the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer does often like to remind, he was, not so very long ago, Director of Public Prosecutions. Check the dates!
When Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer stood in the Labour Leadership Election, in 2020, the Former Director of Public Prosecutions enthused- although, even then, not really 'enthused'- the considerable membership with promises of unity, solidarity and ten (heartfelt) continuity pledges, some dared (fingers crossed) to hope a somewhat deflated hope. Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, Former Director of Public Prosecutions, spoke of a devolved membership where local members would be free to put forward their own candidates for election. Gaze shifting around the room, Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was (TV debate) filmed raising his hand at the requisite moments. In 2022 Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer confirmed that he was no longer making the ten socialism-based pledges with which he had swayed the Party.
Boldly circumventing due reflection, Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, armed with former Director of Public Prosecutions mask, ushered John Ware's controversial Panorama 'documentary,' 'Is Labour Antisemitic,' over some meaty bumps in the road. Instead of seeking to explore the veracity of claims to the contrary, Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer elected to pay (Labour funds) substantial damages to seven (former) members who (interviewed) claimed that Labour had defamed them, in stating that they were "disaffected former staff" and that they had "axes to grind." Labour's legal team at the time argued that (Corbyn's) Labour "had a strong defence" and that the case was probably winnable. By the time that the (still suppressed) Forde Report flopped on to the coroner's slab the money was long gone! Martin Forde QC has since spoken of a broadcast John Ware Interview with solemn-faced ('defamed') Benjamin Westerman, referencing the cited moment when Westerman described the 'antisemitism' he faced at the hands of Rica Bird and/or Helen Marks. 'And/or' here denotes the fact that the "Are you from Israel?" moment cannot be specifically attributed; in fact transpires that it cannot be attributed at all, transpires that the words- as used by John Ware to illustrate rampant antisemitism- were not spoken at all. Reporting long after the fact, the Guardian (28th Feb. 2023) wrote that the whole affair was, with the permission of Westerman, recorded, that the tape and transcript "are both publicly available and clearly show that it is not true." Helen Marks and Rica Bird are both Jewish, both are former members of the Labour Party, numbering amongst the 200,000. The Guardian Newspaper, doing what the Guardian does best? Think back though, where was the Guardian during that 'MSM (lobby pass) attack-dogs orchestrated pile on!'?
Alongside Martin Forde's buried report upon antisemitism within, formerly Jeremy Corbyn's, now Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's Labour Party, another uniformly ignored report has been the 'Labour Files.' Al Jazeera conducted its own investigation into the roundly denied angle of 'antisemitism having been weaponised by right-wing factions operating within the Labour Party.' Martin Forde referenced the four-part series in his own research. In terms of actually digging down into the various shenanigans that were then afoot within the Party machinery Al Jazeera's journalism rather shames that which was 'half-conducted' by the BBC's Panorama (Is Labour Antisemitic?), which instead stumbled at the first hurdle. 'Labour Files,' third episode of four, 'The Hierarchy,' has recently won the Gold Award for documentaries at the New York Festivals Film and Television Awards. It is fortunate that other, and non-UK, Main Stream Media outlets are not so restricted as are ours. Yet, how we scorn censorship when it is conducted by (certain) other lesser-nations. A brief search for a BBC link to the award returned nothing.
Charting a careful pathway through casualties and wreckage, promises and pledges shattered, one could be forgiven hesitancy but, taking Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Director of Public Prosecutions, at his (current) word, the Labour Leader is (at time of posting) adamant that the slowly unfolding carcrash that is Brexit is to be 'respected.' Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer wishes to 'move on' and presumably reactively deal with consequences, injuries, mishaps as and when they occur- mop up the blood as it flows, rather than staunch flow and treat the wound. "Honourable!" a suitable spokesperson might contest. They might well!
In 2019 Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, 'boldly' advocated for a referendum on the Brexit withdrawal agreement, stating that, "campaigning for a public vote must be an option". During quieter moments of reflection, can we be certain whether he charts, ruefully or otherwise, the Party's short journey from mass gatherings of young enthused supporters on to operating under the twin shadows of Mr and Mrs mini-me Wes Streeting and Rachel Reeves? During the 2016 leadership election Right Honourable Wesley Paul William Streeting nominated the Right Honourable Owen Smith- revolving door aficionado- formerly Pfizer, now tucked up all cosy with pharmaceutical company Bristol Myers Squibb. Right Honourable Wesley Paul William Streeting, meanwhile- one eye to the same revolving doorway, perhaps- has accepted a £15,000 donation from John Armitage, massive Tory donor and gateway to UnitedHealth, itself lobbying for ever greater access to the NHS. Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's, former Director of Communications, Ben Nunn, was himself Associate Director of Incisive Health, another driver for NHS privatisation- ergo Pharma Starmer!- now Senior Council at Lexington Communications- "defining influence on the policy and business landscape for over 20 years"- and writing in the Guardian newspaper. Full circle? We may have lost democracy but we've won... remind me, what exactly is it that we've (supposedly) won? And why is it that Rupert Murdoch looks so very satisfied with himself? Can formaldehyde do that?
"Welcome to Stronger Together – Labour’s roadmap to develop key policies ahead of the next General Election."
"We proved that we’re stronger together. Labour wants to harness that spirit to start building a fairer, greener future for everyone in Britain."
"Together, we can do it again."
Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer,
former Director of Public Prosecutions
Leader of the Labour Party
* The members 'outside' looked from the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer (collar down) to the Right Honourable Rishi Sunak PM, and from the Right Honourable Rishi Sunak PM to the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, and from the Right Honourable Sir Keir Rodney Starmer to the Right Honourable Rishi Sunak PM again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
* With thanks and with apologies to George Orwell R.I.P.
* Now screening- 'The Big Lie', narration by Alexei Sayle.
Monday 17 April 2023
Oil on canvass [35.5 x 25cm]. Morning over Norwich with vapour trails.
Ink on paper, across two pages of sketchbook [32 x 20cm]. Snow over Norwich. [The inks are difficult, the medium dries within seconds, making blending of pigments problematic.]
Oil on canvass [80 x 30cm]. Evening light over Norwich.
Oil on canvass pad [23 x 15.3cm]. Early morning fog over Norwich.
Metallic coloured pencils on paper, across two pages of sketchbook [32.5 x 22cm]. Early morning fog over Norwich.
Oil on canvass pad [23 x 10cm]. Late afternoon light over Norwich.
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