Thursday 19 September 2024

Lammy to the Slaughter!

To pin it down to specifics, 'Lammy to the source of the slaughter!'

There has not yet happened a moment when I have considered the Right Honourable David Lammy, Foreign Secretary, and thought any bar 'befitting excellence' to have struggled above...

Profound disappointment!

Under the Stalinist-modelled rule of Leader Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Lammy's appointment to Foreign Secretary, seems unlikely to see that aforementioned bar soon venture any higher. One will have to have undergone serious mental trauma still to harbour hopes of anything greater. The signs have been made clear! Members of Starmer's inner circle sit there for one of two reasons: either they have never held any more egalitarian hopes of national and international ambition, or else they have long since buried any such dreams. Meanwhile, should any of the Party minions yearn for greater justice and fewer deaths, Starmer has 'entrusted' to former Israeli spy, Assaf Kaplan, the task of sifting through the membership's social media. Increasingly, Kaplan's role has concerned itself with a deal more than merely buried dreams!

Foreign Secretary! That's one mighty brief! All that is foreign remains a deal greater than all that is not. Even whilst under the former global shadow of the 'Grrrreat' British Colonial Empire that part remaining outside significantly outweighed that part that fell within. Even when 'the sun was unable to set upon the British Empire!' Even then! But that was then, and now is now.

The 'fact' that the UK's former colonies may, ultimately, consider time under the yoke to have been detrimental still tends to stick in the craw of far too many pseudo-historians. 'Pseudo,' in that they continue to view the former British Empire through a deal of self-censorship. 'Pseudo,' in that they select their 'perspective' subject to an act of meticulous filtration. Yet still, they cannot deny that most of those former colonies- USA included- have since elected to shed the shackles. Barbados is but the latest, and we wish her well!

When all is considered it seems quite likely that the Right Honourable David Lammy's Foreign Secretary role may yet encompass the greatest landmass of potential trouble spots since the advent of World Wars I or II. Has the international dabbling of consecutive British Governments ushered that eventuality more distant, or brought that eventuality closer to bear? Discuss! It should be noted that former colonies, having undergone colonisation, are likely to harbour negative conceptions that may otherwise not have existed. Kenya being a case in point. Britain's covert Project Legacy would be another towering case in point! Should anyone wish to contest that Project Legacy is anything other than covert then they would do well to address the given fact that rounding up thousands upon thousands of documents and setting fire to those same documents is an act designed to leave significantly fewer incriminating details, significantly weaker insight! In this instance, 'covert' bringing about the 'unknowable!'

One wonders what the Right Honourable David Lammy thinks?

Who 'better' to steer the UK through the shadowy underworld with which we have been foisted than any uber obedient footman of Former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Sir Keir Rodney Starmer? In this instance the Right Honourable David Lammy. One wonders whether the idea of 'adapting' the nation's title might ever have occurred to the Generals, perhaps, to 'Democratic' Greater Britain'?

Although Israel performatively feigned apoplectic outrage when the Right Honourable David Lammy announced, via the House of Commons, that the UK would be suspending around 30 military arms licences to Israel, Israel likely far better understands the United Kingdom's actions than does much of the its own citizenship. In blatant disregard for the actual victims of Israel's slaughter of the innocents, Lammy suspended fewer than one tenth of complicit licences, those usually routinely waved through by the UK. "It is with regret that I inform the House today, the assessment I have received finds that, for certain UK arms exports to Israel, there exists a clear risk that they might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law," Lammy 'shared.' "The UK continues to support Israel’s right to self-defence in accordance with international law," he reverted to type. Lest we might have missed one small yet remarkable detail of the statement, the Right Honourable David Lammy was observed to rise from the bench unaided. Quite the feat when all is considered!

One wonders what Baroness Margaret Hodge of Barking thinks?

Israel understands! Behind the pretence, the US also better understands the fuller implications of Britain's actions. Ultimately, it's not inconceivable that the US (via Israel) first agreed the move. Under these circumstances, maybe 'Sheepy' would better describe the current UK Foreign Secretary?

One detail that was neither volunteered by, nor requested of, Lammy was that Britain's arms to Israel are not key to Israel's Ongoing Genocide. Complicit Military Arms, care of Germany and the US of A, both dwarf those handed over by the UK. The UK's role in the Genocide is not as supplier of military arms; more, it is as supplier of military information. Germany has demonstrated that picking a cause is not one of its strengths!

Via the UK's overseas base of Akrotiri on Cyprus the UK has undertaken a great many spy flights over the rubble of Gaza. The government may have sought to obfuscate but it is known that British spy flights were operating over The Strip during to systematic seeking, targeting and assasinations of seven World Central Kitchen staff. Yet another 'mishap' the US's Genocide Joe is happy to hand over to the IDF to investigate. One wonders what they'll find! The unwanted colonial outpost of Akrotiri, 'conveniently' operating on the doorstep of the Middle East and Palestine, offers also a collaborative staging-post for the US of A. The UK 'does not comment upon the military manoeuvres and actions of its allies!' The tonnage of Weapons of the Genocide travelling through the base may be regarded as both 'offensive' (adj) and 'offensive' (n); to the islanders who would rather see the colony gone!

One wonders what Baron Walney, John Woodcock, thinks?

With the Commons still echoing to the faux-outrage of both Labour Friends of the Genocide and Opposition MPs, Israel, true to form, was soon observed to atomise yet another approximately twenty innocent children, women and men residing in the designated safe zone tent encampment of al-Mawasi. Infinitely more honest and reliable than Israeli figures in such matters, Hamas has named no Commanders buried in the debris. Of note, Hamas regards fighters thus killed as martyrs, so would see no mileage in denial. The resultant crater was 16m deep! So, deploying one of the USA's 2,000 pounders in a safe zone of tightly packed tents, the 'Globe's Most Moral Army' has atomised yet more innocent children and women, creating a 16m crater! Likely, the flight stopped off at Akrotiri- the UK Government 'could not comment upon the military movements of its allies.' Are we still at liberty to wonder if the UK supplied parts for that specific F35, or if UK-spy-plane-gathered data was here deployed?' Question to the Right Honourable Mr David Lammy? 'A serious violation of International Humanitarian Law,' does the Right Honourable Gentleman consider? Any thoughts, Dave? If so, who else could rightly be numbered complicit in the Ongoing Genocide?

The following day the 'Globe's Most Moral Army' murdered more than 70 further innocent civilians when it used (likely) US supplied missiles to obliterate yet another school (the al-Taba'een School) inside Gaza. It is unclear whether the UK played its part by providing yet more F35 items that might be used to commit or facilitate 'a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law,' or else by supplying spy-plane-gathered surveillance data. That's school number 477 that the IDF has targeted! That's a considerable weight of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing amongst which other states may be cited as complicit, perhaps more so those that have endorsed the 'cutting off of water to civilian populations!' Any thoughts, Dave?

One wonders what helicoptered-in Right Honourable Luke Akehurst thinks, the Common's most honourable helicoptered-in MP?

Coughing away the dust, the US's Genocide Joe will parrot calls for the 'Two State Solution,' although he will refrain from elaborating upon quite how the Palestinian State might be carved out within that fast and Internationally Illegally depleted landmass. Go on, Joe, suggest that the US supplied missiles ricocheted off the ground! "It was a mistake! We continue to recognise Israel's right to defend itself!" Go on BBC, provide the platform! Sit, Dave!

One wonders what Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, thinks, the country's he most honourable Chief Rabbi?

Then, on 17th September, the most moral terrorist spy network in the world (Mossad) allegedly unleashed yet further waves of terror, upon the unsuspecting civilians of Lebanon and Syria this time. As many as two Hezbollah fighters were named amongst the dozens of fatalities and the thousands of casualties, health workers, children, funeral goers, shop-keepers, bystanders! Facial injuries, mostly to eyes and ears, amputated hands, serious burns, many to children, spread through the respective populations. The most moral army in the world has, thus far, been treading the line between smug and cagey. Anthony Blinken, the world's second most moral Secretary of State, was allegedly given no forewarning of the attacks; he allegedly did not fore-condone them. He made some noises about 'working towards a ceasefire in Occupied Palestine' and 'called for a de-escalation.' The BBC delivered the news in suitably compliant tones, ensuring to remind the UK listeners that Hezbollah has been designated a 'terrorist' group. They have, thus far, refrained from suggesting that any group capable of undertaking such an act of 'terrorism' also be designated a terrorist group. 'Minds,' such as that of US President Biden, may currently be speculating as to whether the world's most moral coloniser is now positioning itself to illegally annex also regions of Lebanon and Syria.

One wonders what the man aspiring to be the world's third most moral Foreign Secretary thinks?

The Right Honourable David 'Lammy'? 'Sheepy'? It makes no odds!
'A Wolf in Sheep's clothing!'
'The Sharks are circling,' or 'the Vultures,' 'Better a day as a Lion than a lifetime as a Jackal,' 'Hyenas,' 'Crocodile tears'?
Once one has observed any of these creatures, at liberty to act within its own environment, one invariably comes away with the given truth that they're all differently quite exquisitely perfect! That would necessarily include the majority of Humankind! But, the worst? When attempting to select a suitable mammalian idiom for many of humankind's greater perpetrators I repeatedly find myself coming full circle back to Humankind. Everything else slots neatly into its own respective ecosystem. Whereas the worst of Humankind invariably seeks to ride roughshod over the lot!

So, in the context of the Ongoing Genocide on Palestine, maybe...
'Complicit!' best serves.
We'll just have to wait and see what the ICC thinks.
Here's hoping!

Eternal thanks must go out to sites such as Declassified. Concerned with actual journalism rather than that of the 'client' sort, Declassified has laboured to unearth details of the multiple Israeli assisting flights passing through Akrotiri in Cyprus. Declassified undertaking real journalism over and above the UK MSM's deferance to Government D Notices.

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