Thursday 22 February 2024
Hidden behind Fact.
Working at the avant garde of national and international 'journalism,' the BBC (15th February) headlined with the shocking news that anti-Semitic incidents in the UK have risen by 589% since the Hamas attack of 7th October 2023. 'Brave journalists' (Harriet Sherwood) at the Guardian went with the same day headline, 'Huge rise in antisemitic abuse in UK since Hamas attack, says charity.' The referenced charity is the Community Security Trust (CST), tasked with monitoring anti-Jewish abuse and attacks and providing security for UK Jewish communities. CST went on to cite the 7th October attack as a "trigger event."
The Guardian reporter dipped a toe, twice referencing 'something' vaguely labelled as 'subsequent war.' We must presume that this aside (subsequent war) is one and the same series of War Crimes, the enabled slaughter of tens of thousands of innocents, the ECJ recently described as "plausible Genocide!' I listened to the BBC Radio 4 'news' report, several times on the day, which repeatedly neglected to draw upon any other possible triggering event, subsequent or prior to 7th October. Listeners were led to conclude that 7th October was, not merely the 'trigger event' but, more specifically, a wholly isolated 'trigger event.' No reference, by either party, was made to the recent ICJ hearing at the Hague.
With headlines contrived to shock the nation one might deduce the sole incident specifically described in the Guardian report to be at the more extreme end of all those 'anti-Semitic incidents.' "A vehicle with a Palestinian flag attached, and with the occupant shaking their fist in the air through an open window, had driven past a synagogue in Hertfordshire." Opting to cite no examples the BBC was content to go with the road-tested, non-specific wording, 'anti-Semitic' incidents. Obediently EHRC compliant.
The day after (16th February) the headline news became the death of Alexei Navalny. Most reports on 16th were pointing the finger at Putin, to which we were likely being invited to sagely nod our agreement. Much has passed, in recent years, to suggest that Navalny's death is unlikely to have occurred 'unprovoked.' He did, after all, presented as a well and fit middle-aged male fewer that 24 hours previously. Deaths inside Russia, or inside of Russian political reach, happen far too often in Putin's favour to always be mere happenstance. Even in the absence of ultimate proof, Putin's regime seems most likely to warrant the blame.
Incontrovertible proof may forever remain elusive yet, most persuasively, one more crime might now be tacked upon Putin's lengthening list of pending War Crimes. Maybe, just maybe, Navalny did die of a heart attack but there are many, many causal interventions that may hasten such an attack, such as Novichok poisoning or sustained beatings- also denied by the Russian leader. (Western) political figures are eager to search out the spotlight and to roundly condemn Putin, to impose sanctions, to pin terms such as 'Genocide.' Maybe we should reserve a place second in line at the ICC, the Hague?
The (Western) message is clear, Putin is neither a leader to be trusted, nor is he likely to be beneficial to Global betterment! What's to be disputed? Well, nothing really...
Two news headline items. If we wanted to labour the point pending, we might next shine a light upon Kemi Bandenoch's condemnation of Henry Staunton. It's not so much that the stories aren't newsworthy, more it's what they're not doing and what they're not saying!
Concerning the 'shocking' news that anti-Semitic incidents in the UK have increased 589%, the story was more shocking by virtue of what the report elected not to cover than what it elected to dwell upon. In May 2022 I walked to Cinema City in Norwich to view Michael Winterbottom and Mohammed Sawaf's gut-wrenching 'Eleven Days in May.' I mention this because the days inside Gaza that the film documents precede 7th October 2023 by almost thirty months. Neither the BBC, which did not even acknowledge the film's existence, nor the Guardian, which did, just, elected to refer to the documented deaths of all the Palestinian children murdered by Israeli targeted missile strikes during those eleven days as a 'trigger event.' Nor has either 'news' team opted to dwell upon the recent ICJ ruling that 'plausible Genocide' is ongoing inside Gaza and the West Bank.
It will be interesting, more horrifying, to see, in the years to come, how the ICJ adjudges the roles of the UK and it's political master, the US of A, in their support for Israeli conducted Genocide. Anyone who has braved the harrowing footage of Israel's attacks, and consequent celebrations inside Gaza's borders (South Africa's collected evidence), will be under no illusions. An Israeli orchestrated Genocide is happening! Take the trouble to find out what has transpired inside of Occupied Palestine and one is given to conclude that 'triggering events'- ongoing since 1948 (or 1967)- occur so frequently as to trace an unbroken history of the lands. In such light "A vehicle with a Palestinian flag attached, and with the occupant shaking their fist in the air through an open window, had driven past a synagogue in Hertfordshire," might be argued to be an understandable reaction, perhaps even an underreaction? At worst, maybe, misdirected. If a similar incident, substituting the Ukrainian flag, was to occur outside of a Russian orthodox church much of the UK's media would report the incident as a natural reaction; these same outlets are eager to bypass international ruling and to name Russia's actions inside Ukraine as War Crimes, maybe even Genocide. This is way beyond inconsistent?
But, that's not even the point here being made. UK's MSM seems eager to jump the gun regarding Putin's Russia. The BBC is asking the question, 'Is Russia committing Genocide?' whilst continuing to pretend that there is not another and far greater crime being orchestrated elsewhere- orchestrated with the aid of £millions in UK weaponry! Where is the consistency?
Upon the second news item, the death- almost certainly the murder- of Alexei Navalny, headlines were proving similarly slippery. Alexei Navalny, with known white supremacist associates, did not wish, nor did he deserve, to die. Russia deserves better and Navalny could have done no worse. MSM rightly mourned his death yet they also sought to work with it. Death is not yet redeemable but reputation, rightly or less so, may yet flourish!
Navalny's Family and the Russian nation may still benefit. But, chief amongst those yet hoping to steer the narrative would be the good ol' US of A and its subject nations. Putin remains both monster and distraction. Globally however, he is not such a stand-alone threat as may be painted. The US of A currently operates something in excess of 1,000 overseas military (capacity) bases. Russia operates maybe a dozen. Overseas military campaigns are similarly skewed in the US's favour- pick a continent and they are there, imposing, dictating! One might go so far as to list the UK as one of the State's more covert projects, certainly its bases imposed or otherwise. One might!
It was not that long past that Alexei Navalny was speculated as yet another potentially, dangerous Russian figure! His outspoken views upon racial supremacy are readily accessible. Yet, similarly 'convenient,' 'skewed' or 'weaponised,' although upon no such immense a scale, Navalny's death has served to yet again further particular narrative. Now, it suits to regard Alexei, even in his absence, as a rallying-focus, a national folk hero. Undeniably the man was brave beyond reason but a folk hero? Again, I was able to listen and re-listen to the BBC news reports of Navalny's death and to read the Guardian's 'canonising' words. Neither source opted to reference the huge elephant in the corner; maybe it was being obscured by the former elephant?
Navalny has been increasingly lionised by UK MSM, his less savoury racial opinions fading from discussion in inverse proportion. Russia's invasion both served his reputation, whilst (as seems highly likely) also hastening his demise. Navalny was serving his questionable imprisonment somewhere in the freezing regions of Siberia- as did Solzhenitsyn in his time- his health worsening. He spoke of fevers, back pains, numbness of legs and severe sleep deprivation. Biden is eager to force greater and greater sanctions upon Russia; "We're looking at whole number of options." Predictably quick to judge. Oh, how Palestinians might benefit from such swift interventions on the part of the US of A! Oh, how Julian Assange's health and future wellbeing might benefit from more honest debate!
What the nation wasn't being reminded of was that Navalny, prior to his death, was but one amongst many political prisoners, some of whom Navalny himself might once have labelled 'cockroaches.' Ally of the UK, Israel, continues to ram its prisons with whomsoever it chooses, ever in contravention of international law. Closer, at home in the UK, Assange is one political prisoner with whom, until very recently, we were most definitely not being encouraged to concern ourselves. Ongoing legislation endeavours to labour the fact. Past master, the BBC, comfortably managed to negate any cross-referencing between Navalny and Julian Assange. Under Katherine Viner's editorship the Guardian had refrained from mentioning Assange for many years, although both 'news' sources, now and far far too late, appear more eager to document the UK's tame surrender to it's overseas landlord. Curious, considering that it was the Guardian that initially helped to platform, thus sought to benefit from, Assange's cutting-edge journalism. Navalny the martyred folk hero: Assange the sacrificial lamb! The narrative speaks!
Assange hidden behind the death of Navalny! Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank hidden behind the UK's 'inexplicable' 589% rise in anti-Semitic incidents! All praise to our great and noble 'free press!'
Tuesday 6 February 2024
Politicians And Their Lies.
Anyone able to stomach viewing the evidence compiled on the Israeli orchestrated Genocide upon the citizens and international workers in Gaza- nobly compiled on the part of South Africa- will not have been surprised to learn that the ICJ has ruled Israel immediately take steps to protect innocent civilians inside Gaza. Nor will they have been surprised to learn that there is a 'plausible risk' of Acts of Genocide occurring. Filmed footage presented cannot have failed to illicit a sense of absolute dread! Likely also physical revulsion, a sense of terror, something beyond anger at the actions of both Government and Opposition Parties and, perhaps also, tears of deep, deep sorrow!
Anyone who has taken a fearful interest in the multiple acts of violence conducted by Israel State and the IDF over the years, even here, must have been shocked at the hateful disregard for life orchestrated by both members of Israeli political class and militia. Demonstrably, here in the UK, certain individuals have not been permitted to speak this truth but, as a more noble retelling of history must and will eventually record, Israel is now conducting itself far too closely to those 'unmentionable' acts it repeatedly pretends to warn the globe not to repeat. Is there not a curious twist to UK parliament that, whilst one may utter such musings within the UK's more ultra-right political party, one may not make similar observations within the British Labour Party?
Be asurred, or rather do not, the UK has taken up arms in a conflict it has not the courage (or honesty) to represent to its citizens.
I have titled this five part work, 'May we please now call it Genocide?'
In 2018, when MP Jeremy Corbyn was roundly condemned for commemorating the loss of around 70 Palestinian and Tunisian lives- approximately 100 also wounded- in Hamman Chott, Tunisia, 2014, none could have predicted where we might have found ourselves just six short years later. The Israeli airstrike upon a third party sovereign state was roundly condemned at the time by the UN. Calculatedly, the USA abstained.
The United Nations, charged with maintaining international law, has never been friend to Israel. For historical reference, during the years of Apartheid in South Africa, Israel was supportive of the South African Government, thus apartheid. The nation routinely and freely morphs between vociferously favouring State Oppression to that of an Adopted State of Victimhood, ably assisted by the US and other colonists riding the slipstream. But it is unlikely that the UN would then have imagined quite the extent to which Israel truly held international law in utter contempt, a contempt which has yet further morphed into one which might yet light the touch paper to an international conflagration, the like of which few of us are old enough to recall. Approaching the wick the flickering light in Israeli hand has seldom been a shy one; should things worsen and follow their current trajectory history's more honest scribes will have much evidence from which to conclude the early signs.
In 1939 the US elected to stand apart and to observe. In the UK the Daily Mail and Oswald Mosley numbered amongst the avant guarde of Hitler's most vociferous admirers. History, we are so often told, does so like to repeat itself. Disingenuous governments very much tend to hide their intentions behind clever quotes and pseudo-compassionate words. But strip away the glitter and judge the actions and the consequences and superficial prettiness is frequently observed to dissolve, revealing the greater, overriding ugliness within!
Even so, it must have come as something of a shock, on the morning after the ICJ's ruling, not to have witnessed a greater respect for international law within the UK's MSM. An almost entire population displaced, in excess of as many as 40'000 slaughtered civilians, although the sheer scale is forever being massaged downwards, with untold numbers buried under rubble, tens of thousands injured, children undergoing multiple amputations without anaesthetic, all at the behest of a culpable political class cheering from the sidelines, culpable militia routinely downloading footage seeking to glorify the death and destruction of a people and its infrastructure, and there is 'plausible' Ethnic Cleansing, 'plausible' Genocide? However bad you think Israel is, it's worse! Labour duly suspended MP Kate Osamor for drawing undue attention to the ruling. Had she been in the Conservative ranks she would likely have been afforded greater freedom to highlight the 'plausible' Genocide!
Instead, the UK chose to sit on the 'plausible' expanding Genocide and muse until the following day, when its citizens were expected to properly sit up and pay attention. Israel, ever the reliable conveyor of truth to the watching world, had a different tale to tell, it's own particular spin! 'Allegedly,' not 'plausibly,' 'hearsay,' not 'extensively documented,' 'Israeli spokesperson claims' not 'the Globe witnesses,' '12 members of staff,' not an 'entire national militia and political class,' one questionable dossier seeks to pretend links to 7th October, yet to be seen outside of IDF circles. Israel barks "Jump!" and the West springs forth! And the 'plausible' Genocide is duly further enabled!
The dossier containing beheaded babies on 7th October never did materialise, although Biden dreamt he'd seen it- an awake member of his staff later clarified, 'he hadn't!' The observer would do well to consider Israel's historical distain for the truth before raising any expectations of another dodgy dossier ever seeing the light of day. It does not exist! Yet the US of A and poodle UK have opted to suspend funds to UNWRA's 13,000 staff, thus further seeding and enabling weaponised disease to spread amongst thousands of victims of 'plausible' Genocide. Consider: does this action make certain Western nations also culpable? Enabling 'plausible' Genocide!
Fortunately all nations are not so gullible, or culpable as is the UK, as to swallow the Israeli narrative, with its decades long record of proven falsehood and distain for international law. Belgium did not immediately suspend funding for UNWRA. Within hours the Belgian Aid Office inside Gaza was flattened under the US and UK enabled Israeli blitz. Yet further evidence for the honest history scholar- the record of Israeli Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza grows clearer by the day.
The UK (and USA) already continues to send £$millions in arms to the Rogue State, arms enabling a 'plausible' Genocide. When 'plausible' Genocide is promoted to actual Genocide will the evidence be so particular as to statistically differentiate which weapons garnered most deaths. Will historians be able to break down 'slaughtered via UK supplied arms,' as opposed to 'succumbed to (say) cholera due to withheld UK funds,' or 'died in agony in surgery due to withheld UK aid'? Sanitised history and glorious empire- that which is permissibly taught in schools- will wish to follow the 'Operation Legacy' route but the unedited version will speak the fuller truth. On the pathway to a purer form of Educide the UK still has much to learn from it’s non-European and covert partner. Still, the truth will be so much louder this time! The images will be clearer! There cannot be a bonfire of files, not these ones, not the hours of footage of Israeli War Crimes, Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide, the footage exists in the aether, in the minds and the memories of millions, in the records of Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem, the United Nations and multiple other groups and organisations.
If the enablers have no respect for those lives overseas what price your's?
As international law and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), or the Genocide Convention, contests, a recognised Genocide does not necessarily only regard the actors (the killers, the murderers) as culpable but also the enablers (the USAs, the UKs), those who assisted from the sidelines. The actual Genocide may have taken place overseas but the war-footing of the UK and the USA has never been neutral.
Dame Margaret Hodge, smiling in the dark shadow of 'plausible' War Criminal Israeli PM Isac Herzog, posing, without need for any Daily Mail edited message. Something for her other face to get truly angry about! Here she is! Go on Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, strike with your sword of truth! Or are we at war? To which side are you committed, Sir Keir, upon our behalf? Sky News's Belle Donati makes the obvious comparison, the one that's screaming to be heard from invariably just out of camera shot, in an angry exchange with Israeli spokesperson Danny Danon, daring to question the stated Israeli drive to Ethnic Cleansing. Overdue, Sky dares to observe that 'voluntary emigration' at the point of a gun is essentially Ethnic Cleansing, that those fleeing UK and US enabled carpet bombing are not fleeing 'voluntarily,' that similar 'choices' have been made in 'the past.' Never have those mass migrations of people, at the point of any gun, been classed as 'voluntary.' Until now, apparently- Sky, not Israel, withdrew. Retreated! Just as in a war. 'Voluntary Emigration' or Ethnic Cleansing, decided upon your behalf.
Are we to honestly accept the premise that Israel will invariably be given a free pass to commit it's own particular War Crimes; 'mowing the grass' such actions are termed by the IDF? Yet equating Palestinian lives to blades of grass is somehow okay, thankfully not labelled anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim? Vociferous supporter of Israel, former MP Mike Freer, freely adopts the victim role yet never does he seem to quite comprehend the complete picture. Violence invariably reaps more violence! Acts of 'plausible' Genocide cannot occur in some sort of hermetically sealed protective bubble. Sometimes, cloaked within BBC's selectivity, it is easy to forget that there are still real journalists out there, individuals such as Craig Murray. The story, fake as it transpired, of Palestinian supporters chanting "Gas the Jews!" is shocking. Yet, more shocking is the speed and credence with which the original non-story spread, when viewed alongside the sluggishness and obstructiveness with which any effort at correction, retraction and equal air-time apology is met. Efficiently enabled and then actively defended as a known falsehood. Such is the power of certain (Australian Jewish Association) MSM! Enabling 'plausible' Genocide!
Another beyond elderly Statesperson didn't quite let slip that the US has placed us all on a war footing at the behest of the Rogue State. "I don't even call it aid!" Ms Pelosi beamed, "our co-operation- with Israel." Be under no illusions, "That's who we are." 'We'? Did she say, 'We'? Pelosi might not be pushing the actual buttons- if there's a list her name's on it- but she's all for naming the targets, named, implied or imagined. Watch her in her fatigues, "Russia!" "China!" anyone at all that Israel names in the Middle East. "Putin's message! Putin's message!" the woman frothed, jabbing her finger at the interviewer At the Rogue State Independence Day 'celebrations'- not everyone was celebrating, even then- Biden made clear, "Were there no Israel, America would have to invent one." He concluded, "You protect our interests like we protect yours!"
Meanwhile Israeli Military, not content with having bombed and flattened schools, mosques, refugee compounds, hospitals, families, communities, murdered and maimed thousands of children, the Rogue State is now in the process of excavating Palestinian Graveyards. 'Best not film there,' 'best not even view with your eyes,' 'best believe the IDF.' with their proven record of impeccable honesty. Repeatedly, MSM in the UK conveys the Israeli narrative, the one that curiously never seems to have the evidence to back up outrageous claims. "I'm not going to be able to show you any evidence here," 'clarified' another government mouthpiece, yet enough to justify further enablement of the war. The footage just keeps on coming yet never does it seem to lessen the ICJ's 'plausible' Genocide ruling. '30 bodies discovered, dumped in school yard,' in black plastic bags, legs and arms tied, blindfolded, 'plausibly' Executed! So as not to lower ourselves to the depths of Israeli (dare we say) 'propaganda it should be stated that it is (not yet) proof. But, consider, if the discovery was anything else other than evidence of more Israeli War Crimes, Israel would already be referencing the discovery on national TV. Already and uncharacteristically there is evidence of sorts- the smart money's on further proof of 'plausible' Genocide. There is footage of members of the IDF, dressed as hospital staff, entering a Jenin Hospital in the West Bank in order to summarily execute 3 targeted individuals. Perfidy! More War Crimes? How will the incident be packaged by Western Media? Terrorism?
Although in no way can the slaughter inside Gaza be described (accurately) as any sort of war, make no mistake Israel is on a war footing, essentially 'at war.' The US of A - "You protect our interests as we protect yours,"- almost exists upon a war footing, covert dabbling, regime changes, Middle East, Central America, Asia, conducts the bloodshed from afar! The UK arms and enables- flights from Akrotiri in Cyprus pending- covertly, the nation may have already committed troops to the slaughter. Rulings from the ICJ do not yet seem to have dinted its cause, the flagging economy may yet intervene. Arming others in Ukraine, Britain much prefers to commit via the troops of others. The Chinese Front thankfully remains a Trussian wet dream! On some sort of power-feedback overload, the fleeting PM (Cheesy Liz) in her time at the helm, seemed to imply that the West is already at war with Russia.
War, actual war, costs! It imposes financial costs, it imposes human costs and it imposes moral and reputational costs! Hence the UK's covert investment in projects like 'Operation Legacy.' Another, often unspoken cost of War- as invisible as Government is able to make it- comes in the loss of integrity certain Governmental figures and players undergo. Likely, it matters not to their financial worth, quite possibly those individuals reap rewards (or blood monies) for the misinformation they sew. Check out Blair's Institute for Global Change (TBI). 'Global change,' in such context absolutely chills the blood! No longer the inconvenience and time constraints of waiting upon the next election for TB. The seeds bloom like the 'weeds' and grasses pushing up through the cracks in our pavements, they are evident everywhere. And, like those pavement adornments, they have become so immured in UK infrastructure that we almost no longer notice; they waft about our heads and our minds much like autumnal breezes. Where they make contact we may not even surmise the connection. Everywhere war imposes its costs!
Incrementally, covertly or semi-covertly War may spread! Incrementally, through false messaging and disingenuous spokespeople (that may title themselves 'journalists') disinformation spreads and truth withers on the vine. In keeping with the formula the UK has opted to follow the US narrative that it is the Houthis who risk fanning the flames of war, the same UK and US that continues to fund the 'plausible' Genocide in Gaza, whilst continuing to liberally shower the wider region under a blitzkrieg of sprayed missile strikes, threats to terror, and a well honed narrative of assumed dominion! Increasingly though, the globe observes that it is USA and certain factions of the West who would fan the 'flames' and fuel the 'fires' that public audience is neither invited nor encouraged to observe. And yet we do! US and its poodle sprays 85 approximate targets in Syria and Iraq- the same Iraq within which the US et al imposed yet another of its many overseas regime changes (2003- 2011). Absolutely, we are fed, 'it is the Houthis who are risking a regional conflict.' Absolutely, the narrative follows, do not draw any connection with 'plausible' Genocide in Gaza! Listen to our spokespeople upon your mighty BBC! "We have Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari of the IDF on the line... " The ever available "Katy Balls from the Spectator Magazine, what should we in the UK be making of all this?" 'Carpet-bombed Yemini Houthis, targeting solely Israeli related trade, in support of Palestinians,' or 'further US (plus poodle UK) carpet bombing of the whole region, pretending that a 'plausible' Gazan Genocide isn't happening, or being funded, or even related?' It's becoming daily more implausible to even imply that the US argument is worthy of the air time it is so often afforded. "A final word from Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari... ?"
Intermittently, I listen to 'Any Answers' on BBC Radio 4. Too often, the panel on 'Any Questions,' I find to be wholly 'of a kind.' During a recent broadcast, I think it was Saturday 27th January, one caller concluded with, "If the IDF had just killed my daughter I think I'd join Hamas." I don't think any of the callers was still wishing to be openly associated with the line "Israel has the right to defend itself."
There's the US/Israeli/UK derived narrative and then there's the truth! So, now we know who are the Mad Dogs who accompany the Englishmen. It seems the UK is at war but, as yet, not officially, in defence of St George, the Neoliberal Economy and Israel's right to commit 'plausible' Genocide!
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