Friday 3 July 2020

The Rise and Fall of the Labour Party.

It seems likely now, with Sir Keir Starmer 'rightfully' at the helm of the Whigs, that the nation shall indeed sleepwalk from 'Too soon to talk about it!' and seamlessly onward into 'People just want to move on!' Nothing to see here!

And, of course, it will, in a sense, be true because the bodies will either have been buried or cremated, as faith, family, creed or preference will have dictated. Should, in due course, the true numbers ever happen to bob back to the surface, it is unlikely that they will (as a more honest reflection) be recognised as such, or that they will, perhaps, ever be universally acknowledged at all! For those who paid closer attention at the time I think that there is more than a fair chance that this part of the nation may be left reeling for years, if not decades, yet to come! Their past and that of the air-brushed nation may soon diverge to such an extent that it will appear as if they occupy entirely different planets... neither of which will be thinking in terms of the longer haul! Perhaps more statues to questionable deeds shall arise! 

Highly pertinent to the creative-accounting of those lives cut short, it has too often gone unchallenged that the figure has been swollen through Covod-19 having harvested majorly from amongst ailing and aged populations. Perhaps rather more should be being made of the vicious nature of this virus, also that of this government, additionally reaping many young and/or BAME citizens, rather more should be made of the fact that there have been thousands who were far removed from being in the last throes of life, many individuals with decades of grandparenting and/or other senior activities formerly stretched out before them! Rather more should instead be made of the pitiful failings of 'our' one-dimensional government.

Arranged in our pseudo-society like some sort of covert, yet vastly more extensive, take upon Dante's 'Circles of Hell,' it is fair to say that we are shocked! We have viewed the monster from many angles and perspectives, in numerous contexts and within many timeframes, but still we are shocked! Shocked at the depth, the sheer size of it, but also at the brazenness of the creature. We knew that our democracy was deeply flawed, but we thought, or hoped to pretend, that it was still there, perhaps disguised or otherwise obscured.

Keir Starmer's contrivance has instead thrown open the larder to reveal that the empty shelves have been repurposed as kindling and the space inside refashioned as a downstairs staff toilet!

So, and in double quick time, Sir Keir has moved to crush the former Shadow Education Secretary, Rebecca Long-Bailey. What did he call her retweeting of Maxine Peake's interview in the Independent Newspaper, "... the sharing of (what was, in his opinion) an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory."?

With a great many of the UK's former journalists and neoliberal attack-dog replacements these days managing to, so often, substitute opinion pieces for genuine journalism the receding attention-span of the sheeple element, almost inevitably in the end, simply reclothed itself as cannon fodder! Several higher profile Jewish figures, in any terms other than the illusory, have done a great deal more harm to their cause! Far too many hard-working democrats have been falsely targeted, such that a whole fleet of red buses has not yet proven to be enough.

If the aforementioned Israeli/Zionist cause is to seriously address and reduce anti-Semitism, as we want it to, then certain characters and other interests really should, instead, be endeavouring to clarify the 'offence,' rather than deliberately clouding of the issue. Whereas, they appear to have opted for, and imposed, the iron fist of  'trial without jury,' absolute power! Yet, as history teaches, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely!' Margaret Hodge could likely quote the words, in her dulcet tones and her sleep, to whoever, concealing the merest trace of the irony involved. A question to those like Ms Hodge: 'If any bystander is presented with the real life image of an innocent family, looking on as their family-home is bulldozed from their land by an unaccountable oppressor, who is then instructed that they may not protest under pain of violence or death,' is that bystander then more or less likely to want to condemn the act in the most forceful of manners?'

The Labour Party's adoption of IHRA definition of anti-Semitism isn't so much the issue, but the precise wording of some of the eleven attached examples is. Observers can draw their own conclusions as to whether it was one God-almighty omission in the former Public Prosecutor's much lauded 'forensic' armoury, or else evidence of something far darker, that has 'equipped' him so woefully with his 'grasp' of genuine anti-Semitism. Likely, his 'understanding' has been fashioned ostensibly through the Labour Party's eventual capitulation to certain Israeli/Zionist lobbyists.

So, having drawn the one-and-only reasonable conclusion, we collectively feel our stomachs rising up into our chests, as the Labour Party plunges back into the depths of that familiar abyss that saw the nation obediently wagging its tail in slipstream to the US's illegal war in the Middle East! The five year awakening has been crushed... but not apparently yet quite thoroughly enough! 

Sir Keir's ride will be an easier one than was his predecessor's, but the man otherwise presents as a fool, unless he is knowingly preparing the ground for the Party to once again betray its roots, and thus the greater part of the British electorate! Is he expecting us to believe that his 'house trained puppy' will soon have free rein returned... 'Once upon a time, etc, etc... ?' Marvel at the man, look he has the Sun Newspaper, the Times and the Sunday Times (News Corp and Murdoch), the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday (Lord Viscount Rothermere), the Daily and the Sunday Telegraphs (Barclay Brothers), the Express (Richard Desmond- hasn't he featured somewhere recently?), the Evening Standard (editor George Osborne) and the 'i' newspaper eating out of his hand! The 'i' was recently bought up by the owners of the Mail; apparently the Monopolies Commission 'considered' that there was no undue concern regarding the democratic bias of the UK's Main Stream Media. Curious! Perhaps we should have been looking, instead and more closely, at the constituent parts of the Monopolies Commission?

Recent events have all too painfully demonstrated just how easily cyber-money will again and again outflank cyber-democracy. And, anyone who hasn't been in an induced coma can't fail to have noticed the funding threats that have repeatedly been levelled at any hints at more diligent reporting by the often woeful BBC political team, or Channel 4. Like any spoilt only-child, who is used to always having its own way, the Israeli/Zionist Lobby has sated itself for far too long upon the anti-Semite card to give it up now! But the world still is not so blind as they would hope it to be!  

Perhaps Rebecca Long-Bailey's concern for the welfare of the nation's children was just too much for Sir Keir? One might have hoped that his former forensic skills would have equipped him better, but no! Because, despite his words, it is unlikely that the Leader of the Opposition really possesses quite such a slender grasp of what it is that genuinely constitutes anti-Semitic thought and/or language. Far more likely he is onside with 'Boris's Back to Schools!' Hang the consequences, appease the media!

Stephen Bush of the 'Newstatesman' is inclined to toe the anti-Semite line. He professes to favour Rebecca Long-Bailey's witch-hunt and crucifixion, tenuously dependent upon the continued absence of that one final link in the chain of evidence. He maybe realises that any retrospective and later unearthings will likely, as so often, be far easier to sweep under the proverbial. Maxine Peake, certainly has a more extensive insight into the methods of the Israeli Militia than does Starmer, Stephen Bush or, for that matter, Rebecca Long-Bailey. But, what the former Shadow Education Secretary does possess, over and above the other two, is a demonstrable burning desire to confront the ongoing ethnic cleansing head on!

Without the final mislaid piece of the jigsaw Maxine Peake's since-retracted contention may be labelled as 'an error,' not 'a conspiracy.' The reasons for her retraction may be that simple. If indeed it was an error? Maxine Peake is but one of many artists to have made the effort to find out, and any link is surely but a breath away from being made. Maybe, instead then, she recognised its nearness and was lured by the weight of circumstantial evidence? Curiously, Sir Keir himself, whilst cowing to the Israeli/Zionist lobby, has failed to ignite, also, a certain weight of opinion from within the Jewish community. In citing any support he may have from one Jewish quarter he has been highly selective.

Within 'his own' party the Jewish Voice for Labour has long since come to recognise that the term 'anti-Semitism' has been weaponised, rarely more so than by some of those within its 'own community.' Maybe it is here that lies a far greater weight to any conspiracy theory than that being levelled at Maxine Peake, and by association Rebecca Long-Bailey? So, the case currently hinges upon the questionable absence of testimony, that the act of kneeling upon a neck was ever demonstrably transferred, the causal link, as a suggested method of restraint, from an Israeli to a US militia? An oversight of a single missing piece within one massive image of internationalised suppression! The contention remains highly plausible, but has yet to be established as a indisputable fact. Yet! Whilst the weight of inferred 'fact' more than heavily outweighs evidence to the contrary this is not quite enough... unless, of course, the purpose is to condemn anyone who dares to speak out of turn.

Clamouring to be heard in the British Main Stream Media, we are encouraged to believe, are characters from all political sides... but not really. Nowhere is the voice of the actual oppressed! Nowhere is the voice of Palestine! Likely another knee has intervened! But Ahmed Masoud has figuratively crawled under the razor-wire to proffer her perspective, care of Jewish Voice for Labour. Ahmed writes with the eloquence of free voice, about her state that is not permitted to be a state. She references the border control and the Israeli denial of the existence of a Palestinian airport or even a coastal port, of a denial to freedom of expression, or to travel. Ahmed perfectly manages to place the missing piece of the jigsaw in proper perspective. Likely, in the new Labour Party, she would be labelled by some an anti-Semite.

Although the 'public jury' is not being invited to discuss the circumstantial evidence, that the Israeli militia regularly deploys the use of state knee upon the oppressed neck, this much is known and well documented. Neither is the jury being required to ponder overly upon whether the US Minnesota Police has deployed the weight of state knee upon the oppressed neck- much of the seven minutes and forty-six seconds of George Floyd's killing, and the transcript of his final words, have been viewed and read by millions, by those who can bear to do so! The evidence here is incontrovertible!

Whether the practice is written into Minnesota Police Regulations is perhaps more difficult to source, although even this much is traceable (archived), '5-300 Use of Force.' The section specific to Mr Floyd's killing, '5-311, The Use of Neck Restraints and Choke Holds.' makes for chilling reading and may conjure deep emotion!

So, within the web, we find ourselves still searching for that one final gossamer thread, Amnesty International- itself frequently the target of the Israeli/Zionist lobby- has for years been knocking at the door. But when, and if, they ever do unearth the evidence those who have been paying attention will doubtlessly expect little to change. I doubt, for example, that any public display of contrition will be expected from Sir Keir. Fans of Rebecca Long-Bailey- RLB herself- will not be holding their breath for a reinstatement. The Daily Mail, the BBC, will not be using the findings to head their selective news programmes!

Thanks to the efforts of bodies like Amnesty International we can establish that thousands of US Police have received training from the Israeli Militia. At least a dozen US States have worked with the Israelis upon methods of suppressing its peoples'grievances. They have unearthed instances of unlawful killings by Israeli forces, extrajudicial executions and torture. What they have thus far failed to find is the simple statement urging attendees of Israeli seminars, to apply the knee of suppression to the neck of the suppressed. Yet!   

Jonathan Cook (British journalist), the sole foreign correspondent to have based himself within Nazareth, perhaps brushes as close as any to the truth of Maxine Peake's since-retracted contention, that Minnesota Police Officers were introduced to the concept of pressing the knee into the neck of another via the Israeli militia. Jonathan Cook cites, also, the recently leaked 860 page internal report into Labour's weaponising of its dealings with anti-Semitism. The details make for damning reading, which the British media is unlikely ever to properly analyse (in public). Sir Keir will not wish to dwell upon the issue and will, no doubt, be seeking support from certain elements of the MSM in suppressing or otherwise downplaying any findings. Cook brings the idea back to the argument that the Israeli/Zionist lobby is far more guilty of anti-Semitic action than have been many of those long since thrown under one of Boris's (now also Keir's) buses!

Cook contends that Starmer has deployed the one oft-quoted Maxine Peake line, in order to deflect from the well-documented roll that Israel has played in exporting what is referred to as 'counter-terrorism' measures, techniques that have been in evidence and that have been increasingly documented since the early 1990s. A timescale that easily predates the 2012 appended to the archived Minnesota Police document. That the technique is used by Israeli militia is known, that the Minnesota Police Force (at least 100 officers) attended an Israeli conference in restraint techniques and anti-terror tactics (Israeli consulate in Chicago) is known, the second such conference. Cook notes that the Global Militarisation Index has sat Israel at the pinnacle for thirteen consecutive years and that Haaretz newspaper refers to the Israeli state as the "go to nation," for others wishing to improve and 'perfect' their techniques. He contends (correctly) that in, at figurative gun-point, signing up to an additional spurious ten point pledge, Labour has now effectively handed over the reins of control to forces outside of the party and outside of the movement.

But he has not yet located the written, or accessed the recorded, words sourced from an Israeli, conveyed to a US militia. Yet! 

The Right Honourable Member for Islington North will now disentangle himself from his Main Stream Media crown of thorns and again don the clothes of the least racist member of The House. The real racists will heave a sigh of relief and normality will again reign!

'Leaner, meaner, greener (but not environmentally)!'

You can have that one for free, Boris, or Sir Keir.