Thursday 14 December 2023
Inhuman Animals!
I've always struggled with the idea of certain 'monsters' being described as, 'like animals!' or 'inhuman animals!' I look at the news, and see what fellow human beings are doing to one another, the supposedly okay ones, and to the habitat, the environment, the creatures with which they share this Earth, the planet they (supposedly) want their children and grandchildren to inherit and I think, 'really?' Ultimately, most non-human species behave much as they have always done, if left to their own devices, left alone in their own environment. Some appeal to our whims and tastes more than others. But, a great many of those real non-human animals actually look and behave quite beautifully. Non-humanly, beautifully so!
So, I consider the contemptuous remark to be very wide of the mark!
'Inhuman animals!' is what all Palestinians are currently being labelled as by various Israeli spokespeople, barely scraping out an existence in the rubble of Gaza and (more covertly so) the West Bank. Look at them scrabbling through the dirt and debris or sitting in rows, no better than 'inhuman animals,' as if awaiting slaughter and processing at an abattoir! Why, they're wearing clothes, fewer items, some of them. Their faces look human enough, if they're permitted to look up. They sound human enough if permitted to speak... But, they're 'inhuman animals!' Described by various Israeli spokespeople as such, when interviewed by the BBC and other Western 'news' outlets, often unquestionably so. Or, if questions are proffered, there are far too few of them, far, far too enablingly couched. Complicit!
'Inhuman animals!' So inhumanly animalistic that they (probably) deserve the treatment being meted out to them. Or, if not them, then someone they know, or someone they're hiding. Children too! 'Inhuman animals!' Easily told apart from the actual humans. The actual humans are the ones with the body armour, the tanks, and they're the ones flying the fighter jets and firing the missiles. The missiles provided, at least in good part, by other, more remote, real humans. Except, some of those more remote, real humans, hidden amongst them there are other 'inhuman-value-holding-animals.' 'Inhuman animals,' taking part in the wrong demonstrations, angry at the 'wrong' types of violence, because there's bad, 'inhuman violence,' and then there's, if not quite 'good,' then justifiable violence, or the violence of justice! Violence of the kind being meted out by the Israeli Defence Force.
The Times of Israel has called for a Genocide against those 'inhuman animals!' But then, that's okay because the Times of Israel is peopled by actual humans and the one's they're calling for a Genocide against are the actual 'inhuman animals!' Whoever Jeffrey Camras is (Chicago-based blogger) we know he's one of the actual humans because he has called for the Genocide against the 'inhuman animals.' "In order to make peace and move forward, Palestine must be obliterated," he wrote. And who could possibly argue that that isn't a 'peace' worth fighting for?
“Israel (and you the reader) needs to put its faith in the Torah and Hashem in order fulfil our destiny. Establish sovereignty over Har HaBayit. Do this today! .. Conquer remaining biblical lands in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Do this diplomatically or militarily.” Good ol' Jeffrey Camras, an actual human, on the side of the angels. Or maybe not!
Israel’s Heritage Minister Amihai Eliyahu called for a nuclear bomb to be dropped upon Gaza.
Israel's Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Zipi Hotovely has said all Gazans should vacate their homes and walk, under unrelenting Israeli missile onslaught, to an empty strip of wasteland, al-Mawasi, where there is nothing, and they will presumably just huddle and await whatever Israeli justice deems fit.
Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has said "There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything will be closed!" Just to clarify, he means 'closed for every man woman, child and baby.' "We are fighting against human animals!" the real human went on to say.
"Netanyahu, finish them, finish them (…) finish them!” Nikki Hayley of Fox News has ranted.
“We are in a religious war here. (…) Do whatever the hell you have to do. (..) Level the place.” US Senator Lidsey Graham preached.
Israel has been identified firing shells containing white phosphorus, white phosphorus missiles marked as supplied by the USA, along Lebanon's southern border (10th- 16th October 2023), more specifically at the town of Dhayra (16th)
Israeli troops routinely shoot at and murder unarmed children in Gaza and the West Bank.
Human rights groups continue to compile evidence of IDF military executions inside Gaza.
Where Israeli colonisers continue to murder and dispossess residents in the West Bank Israeli Minister for National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir has handed out thousands of rifles to speed the Ethnic Cleansing. "We're the landlords here, remember that, I am your landlord!" he has been filmed shouting.
With emblem from Yitzhak Rabin’s car clutched in his raised fist, Itamar Ben-Gvir shouted "We got to his car, and we'll get to him too!” Israeli President Rabin was assassinated on 4th November 1995. Ben-Gvir is now Minister for National Security.
Confusing! It's a (sort of) blessing that we have our high calibre of journos to assist us with navigating quite who are the real humans and who are the 'inhuman animals!' Otherwise, we could have too many of the wrong sorts of deaths occurring.
'Inhuman animals!' Identified as all the more 'inhuman' as of 7th May 2023. After which many actual humans have called for a better, a more just form of violence. Notice the difference! 'Inhuman animals' in sandals or loose shoes and ragged, non-military clothes, or else already buried under rubble, as opposed to actual humans in body armour, in ranks behind tanks, fighter jets and £millions in US and UK provided missiles and other violence-of-justice weaponry. Pick a side, or better, just accept that your government, on your behalf, has picked the actual humans over the 'inhuman animals.'
Arabs are like "drugged cockroaches in a bottle," Israeli Chief-of-Staff, General Rafael Eitan stated. One of the actual humans! Except General Rafael Eitan spoke these words in 1983, speaking at an Israeli Parliamentary Committee.
Israeli former President Isaac Herzog once stated " They are legitimate targets, simply because they “could’ve risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime.” He does not elaborate upon precisely which 'evil regime.' Presumably the Palestinians had elected to stand up against the wrong kind of 'evil regime.'
In 1969 Golda Meir proclaimed that “Palestinians did not exist.”
In 1982 Menachem Bagin described Palestinians as like “beasts walking on two legs.”
2013 saw Eli Ben Dahan describing the 'inhuman animals' as, "Palestinians are like animals, they aren’t human”
And yet it was 7th May 2023 that ushered in Gaza's 'inhuman animals!' Until that moment it was as if Paradise upon Earth had blossomed! Thank you Western Media, for helping us to see the light. The righteous light that we simply have to believe lies just the other side of all the smoke and dust and the atomised 'inhuman' flesh, blood and other body parts. Have faith. Do nothing, lest you too are deemed guilty of 'inhuman thought.'
Indeed there are monsters out there. They're not inhuman because Israel has and continues to demonstrate just how very human the most unspeakable types of violence can be! Israel continues to do so every day. And we are not even permitted platform to speak this truth!
I have considered and I strongly favour a course that's going to label me as guilty of 'inhuman thought, voice and sympathies!' Again and again, and again and again... I've identified those who have undertaken monstrous acts and they're not the ones currently dying in their tens of thousands.
Boycott Divest and Sanction!
Saturday 9 December 2023
The Pariah State
Of course, Israel is not the only nation that might 'boast' the label, of 'Pariah State.' Heaven knows that the globe is far more 'richly' populated by non-democratic nations than it is by those wishing to be thought of as democratic.
Being a subject that concerns the vast majority of global citizens- sadly not all of them- much work has been undertaken in identifying where democracy succeeds and where it does not. Various sources are in general agreement, more or less, regarding the ideal criteria required, although not necessarily upon the precise ordering of the nations concerned. Let's go with the idea that there are currently 195 nations upon the globe, although this is liable to certain variation and the totals to be open to dispute. Recent, ongoing and pending crises are likely to both alter the number of (disputed) nations as well as to amend the criteria by which nations are (currently being) adjudged.
The 'worldpopulationreview' site surveyed 167 of the 195 possible nations, gathering quantities of data. Other sites have either undertaken independent work or else have colluded in order to draw helpful conclusions and comparisons. The following data has been sourced from the above, Wiki and other concerned sites. When last updated there were 72 nations adjudged to be either 'full' or 'flawed democracies,' Ongoing current events seem highly likely to cause some serious 'backsliding.'
There are multiple theories about the specific elements required for any government to qualify as a democracy. The following six would seem to constitute a bare minimum:
* A pluralistic system in which at least two legitimate-but-different political parties coexist
* A free and fair electoral process that enables the people to choose between candidates from those parties
* A government that operates openly and transparently, works for the good of all the people, respects its own rules, has proper checks and balances, and gives its citizens free choice and control over their lives
* Politically engaged citizens who support democratic principles, 'fight fair', vote regularly, accept the will of the voters, and commit to a peaceful transfer of power after each election
* An emphasis on preserving civil liberties and personal freedoms of both the majority and minorities
* A free and independent media unhindered by government interference, influence, or intimidation
Stanford University political scientist Larry Diamond has compiled a similar list, maintaining that any democracy must include four key elements:
* A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections
* The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life
* Protection of the human rights of all citizens
* A rule of law in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens
Concentrating upon the UK, because that is the citizenry amongst which I number, there would appear to be a few teething troubles with regards to the nation's aspirations at featuring amongst the countries claiming 'full democracy.' So, skipping lightly over a couple of minor, yet obvious, lesser glitches, there are significant hurdles to be overcome with points 3, 4 and 5 upon the former list, whilst criteria 3 and 4 upon the second list also fall somewhat short of the ideal. And yet, still, the UK was last adjudged 'full democracy,' listed 16th, with a score of 8.54 out of a maximum 10. It would seem that an update to the site is now overdue.
Using 60 separate signifiers only 72 nations were adjudged 'democracies,' with just 23 of these managing to attain 'full democracy' status. Norway was top, with a score of 9.81 and North Korea was bottom, with a score of just 1.08. Both the USA (25th at 7.92) and Israel ( 27th at 7.84) were deemed to be 'flawed democracies.' The latter will have nose-dived, no doubt considerably, in recent weeks. Currently, it is difficult to imagine a route back to the 'heady days' of 7.92 for the Pariah State.
Upon a globe that many regard as slipping, with regards to any sense of democratic ideals, the UK, the USA and Israel have all been adjudged guilty of backsliding! They're not the only culprits. The UK was identified 'falling short' on several counts, by Human Rights Watch, first during the premiership of PM Johnson. The 'flawed democracy' of the US has been identified, by political scientists, as backsliding over several decades, up to and including the present. Multiple scholars have found Israel to be "facing a crisis," and at "risk of right-wing populism," "fuelled by significant 'democratic' decline." The inverted commas about 'democratic' are mine. When 'backsliding' is factored in it seems likely that several nations will have to be seriously downgraded! It also seems beyond doubt that Israel will have done far more than others to warrant a major downgrade!
Both the USA and its puppy UK would have it that the globe's foremost Pariah State is that of Putin's 'authoritarian regime' of Russia (3.31), that is unless the USA switches to targeting China (2.27), jerking the leash such that the UK soon falls into dutiful line, curiously not Israel! Why, it's almost as if neither nation has yet clocked footage of what's been happening inside Gaza! Even though we know that they most certainly have.
When the incomparable Nelson Mandela was still with us he spoke up for freedoms and for democracy, stating that "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
At that time South Africa was busily climbing up the rankings. Nelson knew when to buck with the US-centric narrative and he knew how to recognise a Pariah State when he saw one!
Up until his release in February 1990 Nelson Mandela was referred to by former UK PM Thatcher as "a terrorist." As President of the African National Congress Mandela fought, and then campaigned, to topple the apartheid political regime in his country of South Africa. In 1993, apartheid duly dismantled, widely circumnavigating any Thatcher ideology, he was justly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Whilst travelling through southern parts of the African continent I met several caucasian individuals who one might reasonably have termed 'a bit racist' in their outlook and respective hopes for their countries, yet none seemed to have a bad word to say about Nelson Mandela.
In recent days, weeks, months, many of Nelson Mandela's former colleagues and friends, fellow countrymen and former members of the ANC, have spoken out about Israeli Occupied Palestine.
Amongst the voices a consensus has arisen that compares the former apartheid South Africa to that of current Occupied Palestine,
damning the latter by comparison. Never did South Africa's white government seek to Collectively Transfer
its black population to another nation! In amongst its many crimes against humanity, never was a Genocide
against its own citizens orchestrated! And ne'er did the South African regime cut off water, power, food and seek to seed disease amongst a cowering population, a form of biological weapon! WHO has recorded over 44,000 cases of diarrhoea and 70,000 respiratory infections. But the real numbers will be significantly higher! Under Mandela's tutelage the former Pariah State shook off the curse of apartheid and managed to claw its way up and in amongst the 'democratic nations.' Since his death it has sadly slipped, 'backsliding' to a rating of 7.05 (flawed democracy). But, even under the shadow of apartheid, never did it sink to where Israel now lays claim, to being the sole Western apartheid state. That crown of thorns is Israel alone's to bear!
Shamefully enabled by other 'Western-claiming' nations, Israel increasingly seeks to set itself apart. Although situated in the Middle East, erected upon Palestinian lands, Israel would have the world regard it as a Western Nation. When sporting or other international events suit, it seeks to be regarded as honorary European, lobbying for European status. Anyone who paid attention to the outrageous regime-changing and covert actions of the USA, in Central America- conducted openly so under Regan- will have been able to draw clear conclusions as to why so many $millions in arms continue to be invested in the Pariah State of Israel. Even in the spotlight of Genocide the transport of military arms does not slow. In many senses Israel is the USA's pawn in the region. And much like the US and several other Western nations Israel operates, expects and increasingly demands, it's own very specific hierarchy of racism!
One could almost regard the damning indictment currently as Israel's top export.
But Israel is not European. Nor is it a democracy! It cannot be both a democracy and an apartheid state. Setting itself apart in its contempt for human life, conducting Genocide, Collective Punishment
and Forced Transfer
on a scale unparalleled now in living memory, Israel has to be the globe's utmost Pariah State!
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