It has been said that the ICC was created 'to deal with African tin-pot dictators and those like Putin, never to bite the hand that created it.' I paraphrase. So, when the Courts finally ruled that arrest warrants are being sought for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant the rest-of-the-world, behind time, sat up and rubbed at its rheumy eyes. Why, the ICC cannot be there to judge also the Exceptionalist West! The UK Commons was soon blown full of indignation; characters,
parodies, who would sit better with Trump's Republicans... or too many of Biden's Democrats.
How very dare they!
While deaths pile high!
Hope as it might the US Nation is scarce able to disguise that 'dipped toe.' So instead, its dusty old figurehead defaults to gaslighting, full-blown apartheid...
elsewhere, which sort of makes the nation also culpable. Has the ol' dodder missed his footing upon the bank and fully immersed himself? Colonialists, by nature, are best practised at exploiting international borders; so the US
has form.
And deaths pile ever higher!
Apartheid was and is dependant upon the premise of racial 'superiority' and segregation. The former nation of South Africa honed and embedded an openly extreme model, reliant, then, upon Western allies in order to operate and to survive. Boldest amongst apartheid's friends was the nation of Israel. When international pressure prevailed and 'friends' fell away, emboldening the country's repressed majority, South African Apartheid's days became numbered. The globe witnessed its eventual demise in the early 1990s. Apartheid's former allies set about realignment and the pretence that they'd never actually endorsed and befriended the racism in the first place, flags were duly waved! Still the system left a stain upon the surface of the planet, or rather the stain, which had always been there, 'for a while' hardened about the African nation. Today the stain has wandered further afield- much like damage from a long-neglected leak, its more widespread contouring tidal marks may not always be immediately evident. But there are also sites of sustained damage, darkening borders, perhaps rust and other decay, perhaps jagged breaks, perhaps festering holes where societal structure has begun to fracture!
Nowhere is that societal fracture more evident than within the rogue state of Israel and being imposed upon the Palestinian Occupied Nation. Much as with former Apartheid South Africa, Israel is
heavily dependent upon Western 'allies,' chief amongst these being the good ol' US of A. Yet, the globe is no longer that of the 1990s, it has become far more international; far more reliant upon sales pitch.
And deaths pile ever higher!
The US 'functions' hierarchically, even more so than does the UK: education, health, housing meted out accordingly; whether it be via 'ethnicity,' gender, 'school,' employment, wealth or that curiously amorphous creature, status. Yet Apartheid wields a particularly high (or low) bar! So instead, there substitutes an unspoken premium,
a power premium!
Still the deaths pile ever higher!
When the momentous ICC announcement was delivered those lining up to rebuff and to pedal the Apartheid State's lie showed discouragingly bountiful! Yet, internationally respected giants such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem, United Nations, African National Congress, Yesh Din, and International Federation for Human Rights, had long since investigated and adjudged Israel to have crossed the Apartheid threshold. Two of those listed operate as Israeli Human Rights organisations, based within Israel's current borders. Two opposing narratives battle for supremacy, one true,
one false and enabling Genocide!
Individuals endowed with a power premium slip freely through society, relatively unhindered, whilst the majority citizenship must observe from afar, oft not even be permitted to peek behind the screens, likely blissfully unaware of the widening inequality. When Sunak's time is up he will likely demonstrate his true allegiance to nation, deploying his wealth premium in order to swiftly morph from UK resident to that of US. Much as the more extreme politics of Natalie Cecelia Elphic (OBE) are no barrier to her seamless 'transition' and assimilation within Sir Keir Rodney Starmer's (KCB KC) 'Labour Party.' Much as
Luke Akehurst of Labour's NEC may decide to parachute himself into the safe seat of North Durham, where he is currently unknown. Not so much serving democracy as trampling all over and discarding it! Much as David Mencer's transition to Israeli spokesperson sees him so easily jettisoning that same Labour Party. Such individuals pseudo represent us, they pseudo speak upon our behalf, flirting as democrats as and when opportunity best self-serves. Lest we should doubt their integrity the likes of John Zak Woodcock, Baron Walney, crossbench peer and Government’s Independent Adviser on Political Violence and Disruption, is appointed to ensure that only the 'correct' slant of political discourse prevails. Alongside Labour's Margaret Hodge, the former Chair of Labour Friends of Israel, funded by that same nation, last managed to squeak a visit there in January 2024. The lobby group has deeply infiltrated the 'democratic' British Labour Party yet
remains most cagey about from whence the funding comes.
Whilst the deaths continued to pile ever higher!
They may not always present well- honesty catches and burns in their throats- yet their premium sees them slip from role to role. Formerly 'committed' Labour man and Head of Labour friends of Israel, glides across continents, a new platform awaits. A parody of even himself, Mencer presents to the globe as the worst kind of apologist. One moment the man 'embraces' British Labour the next it is full-blown Israeli Apartheid. He makes entirely the same noises as he always has.
Whilst Palestinian deaths pile ever higher!
Mencer has adopted the role of useful idiot across continents. His petulant narration runs counter purpose. Even so he has played but a tiny part in the West's gradual conversion. So when University Campuses burst forth with peace encampments, much like spring flowers- Camps for Palestine blossoming across the West.- those who steer the West's MSM are not best pleased. Israeli, British and US
bombs must continue to boost the infant death-tolls, the Zionists froth.
When masked
mobs attacked the UCLA Peace Camp US Police stepped back and left the Zionists and other thugs to it for two hours before belatedly intervening. The attack, far in excess of any non-violent student actions, featured sticks and bats, and fireworks deployed as small munitions. Why, it was almost as if orders had been received prior to the first blow. US Police, notoriously hands on, simply stood back to observe, not quite yet reflecting the far more extreme IDF, standing back and permitting Israeli Colonists to attack and destroy long overdue supplies entering Gaza.
Weaponising and enabling famine and disease!
Behind the curve, the link is to the BBC site. It has inexplicably taken months and tens of thousands of innocent deaths for the Corporation to finally start to
dig into the live-streamed Genocide! This is the same BBC that so swiftly and obediently fell into line with '40 beheaded babies,' then, opted for silence over any form of retraction and correction, when it transpired, once and once again, that the IDF were lying.
Whilst Infant deaths pile ever higher!
When the ICC and ICJ were founded the UK assisted in laying the first stones,
and yet... and yet... and yet... It seems evident that, at their infancy, the nation could not have anticipated that the Courts should ever be turned against one of the founding fathers. As colonialists, fast coming to recognise the global worth of legacy, both the ICJ and ICC were initially laid as means to not only order the globe but also, more covertly, as a means to organise and to discipline those
other nations.
It had mattered not that Balfour's gift of a homeland had been fully occupied for centuries. The colonial nation's role was surely to order and to organise the lesser nations. Read my rules and know that the world is now better by my decree! But, for heaven's sake, do not think to interpret and deploy those same rules in any wider context! Do not compel the globe's great bully recourse to the humiliation of a full-blown hissy fit!
"Were there not an Israel, the US would have to invent an Israel to protect our interests in the region," a younger Biden once boasted! He might well have added, 'and continue to
arm it to the teeth!' And, 'to seek to always draw a veil over the worst of its transgressions!' Then, 'to establish a hierarchy of racism!' Then, 'to establish a hierarchy of life-worthiness!' 'To the tune of countless thousands of innocents, children, infants!' 'Them and us!' Wrong-footed, eye off the ball, Biden thought to dip a toe, stumbled and grabbed at the nearest idiot. A NATO chain reaction ensued!
Whilst Infant deaths continue to pile!
It transpires that
Israel has been hacking and threatening the ICC, ICJ and its members for nearly a decade. Little surprise that Israel is no friend to the ICC and ICJ. Thus far the US and UK have increasingly shown themselves stanchly unprepared to seek the moral higher ground, where toes are more easily kept dry.
If rulings from the International Courts are not respected and safeguarded at this juncture how will their authority serve when the welly is on the other foot?
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