Monday, 9 March 2015


An Improvised Explosive Device? An Immoral Duncan Smith? An Improvised Explosive Duncan? An Ideologue of Divisive Servitude! QED!

An incendiary device fuelled by a most wretched excuse for an ideology. Iain Duncan Smith! This apology for a 'democratic servant' must absolutely be the most despicable of the despicable! Even in the nest of soulless vipers that appears to be The House of Commons, this feudalist must surely concentrate the contempt that is currently raining (pounding) down upon this place.

A state of constant eclipse.

A Roman Catholic of truly Medieval values, a 'man' who one daren't trust, not to drag Britain back to such levels of mired degradation. A 'man' who even Thatcherite Tories would not trust, and who was thus bettered by even the likes of Michael Howard.

An after-dinner speaker who addresses the rightward-lurching business classes; those who seek nothing more than the rabid approbation of their own imagined superiority, as wealth dictates and demands. Nothing new! Certainly not taxing! No great insights, nor innovations, merely regurgitated tried-and-tested-and-failed darkest Victorian dogma. Much like those seeking to 'justify' their ingrained racism might wish to chuckle along at, 'An Evening with Jim Davidson.' Heaven forbid! No thinking required, just pop along and rest that weary and 'over-taxed' brain...

The current Coalition is highly deserving of the utmost contempt, the utmost! But Duncan Smith must almost stand alone, so deep is the pit that he has scratched for himself. It is almost as if the man is driven! But driven by an utter, utter maniac! There is apparently still room for such in this Government...

Iain Duncan Smith loves nothing more than to bang on about 'rights!' 'Rights' and 'responsibilities!' He loves to lecture especially about people's rights to what they've earned, even more so about the the infringements of those rights, by others less deserving. The less deserving, the pariahs of society, those who might take what is not rightly their's, from those who know all about rights, what's right and what's not!

Still mired in the colonial mentality.

Should we have the time- and really we shouldn't bother- we might easily trace Ian Duncan Smith's 'rights' back several generations.

Sir William Duncan (1834- 1908) was King George III's personal physician, also the first of the Duncan Baronets. So, a family that has long since been mired in wealth and privilege. The 1800s, a time when people generally knew their place. It might seem like a long time ago in the minds of most people. Most people!

Definitely not the conventional 'light bulb' moment.

Iain Duncan Smith is the current Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. He is charged with dabbling with the Welfare System, attempting to ensure that the less deserving cannot access funds that might afford them any element of frivolity, you know, food, heating, space, dignity, that sort of thing! "What can we label it?" he's thought, before settling down to the nitty-gritty, the sanctions! "If only we could find a means of justifying reducing this pittance, even further," he's considered, before targeting those least likely to understand what's being done to them. Snuffling uncontrollably- because that's what the bigger piggies do when they're excited- he's even thinking of, "Charging the plebs for exercising their right to an appeal." And, if they're found to have been unjustly sanctioned? Well, Iain Duncan Smith is hoping that a sizeable number of claimants will have been financially-deterred from challenging any sanctions in the first instance, so justification seems set to become almost an irrelevance, a mere distraction. 'Rights' are, of course, something that some people haven't worked hard enough to afford.

Blue-blooded to the blackened core.

We can almost imagine the darkening wet patch upon his, no doubt jolly expensive, as-befits-his-elevated-status, antique chair. "I'm not a fan of public money," the ideologue reacted, when it was put to him that Government might challenge HSBC's recently exposed criminality.

Just two of the known financial facts that Iain Duncan Smith will not be permitting to colour his Welfare (mis)calculations:
- Benefit fraud currently stands at just 6% the size of tax fraud- only 1% that of tax evasion.
- Current planned cuts to benefits stand at 22 times the size of the aforementioned benefit fraud.
And one leaked document that perfectly highlights the case of Job Centre staff being targeted and reprimanded if they do not, in turn, implement Government imposed sanctions upon enough claimants, viewable via this link. So, whilst we can see that money lost to tax fraud and evasion is planned to be recouped, this won't necessarily be from the tax criminals as such. I suppose his logic is that these types have earned their rights.

A tiny hint of Oriental ancestry.

Quite how the ruling classes have managed to outflank the far-more-numerous working classes, I would contest, demonstrates the extent of the damage that the likes of Duncan Smith has been able to wreak upon the country, excepting for the monied elite.

And, of course, we have been outflanked. Not only has this happened, but we are currently mired in various forms of distracted infighting, brought about through widespread misinformation. Oh, the curse of the media and the misnomer 'Free' Press. "We must fight sanctions fraud," we are reminded, "because the NHS is under worrying financial threat." Meanwhile Education might be lost unnoticed upon another field of battle. While the 1% Generals look on, smiling, from afar, somewhere high in their tax-exempt ivory towers...

The pincer movement has General Hunt- I think it's 'Hunt'- blitzing the NHS, General Gove (by any other name) training his armoury upon Education, General Duncan Smith sniping at Welfare and General Osborne, entirely at the behest of the 1%, pushing polished-mahogany waring blocks across his green-baize covered antique Elizabethan tabletop. Commander in Chief Cameron has meanwhile adopted a somewhat Lord Haw-Hawian role, over concerns that the betrayed British Scots might yet have a hand to play.

Iain Duncan Smith is the weak link. His angry-arrogance barely affords him a mask of pseudo-democracy. The more charred hemisphere of his brain is still entangled in a medieval past, one where the barons didn't suffer the indignity of asking the peasants, "they bloody well told them!" Even in this sliding apology for a democracy, IDS is struggling to hold it together. Democracy and feudalism do not make for comfortable bedfellows.

Anyone who thinks that there isn't a (barely) hidden agenda operating in full-throttle really, really cannot have been paying proper attention. But, then that's why we're all here, staring down the barrel...

Coffee, anyone?

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