Saturday, 8 November 2014


When Private Allen Lambert of The Stody Estate Regiment dutifully (indirectly) injected the latest of his many victims with the slow poison that would cause the body to writhe and contort with agony, the simple foot-soldier was merely following in a long and 'honourable' tradition of self-righteous genocide, in a 'just' and hierarchical cause. He was 'blindly' following his 'just' orders, in order to protect the 'rights' of his 'betters' to undertake ritual and wholesale slaughter, as personal wealth dictates.

General Charles MacNicol- emotionally detached, his mind on higher things- surveyed the scene from afar. His 17th Century Restoration Charles II barley-twist chair afforded the General the optimum vantage point, from which to survey the theatre. His Meerschaum pipe had been optimally loaded prior to the 'operation,' such that it was unlikely to expire and compromise the General's vantage.

So 'twas a dash 'awful' affair of the most outlandish 'outrage' that should happen to see the 'upstartish' RSPB, together with a number of rouge Bobbies, punching well above their weight. Confounded affair has set back the 'honourable' General the best part of a grand, dash it! Man had to call in a few favours merely to keep his foot-soldier in the theatre of war. Damned plebs! "Has the world gone completely mad?" one feels entitled to enquire.

Thank you, sir! jeffrey chan

Had the 'poor' sod been on manoeuvres just north of the border he might even have been thrown into the old clink, perhaps cost General MacNicol his liberty, to boot! Thank the Lord for the 'dear' Ol' English Class System, enduring so obediently through the courts.

Feel it's time to stand up and be counted. Hell, one reckons it's the God-given duty of the Rural Payments Agency to ensure that those taxpayer dollars are suitably rained down in 'justified' and munificently benevolent compensation for such an 'unwarranted outrage.'

Perhaps, in time-honoured tradition, the gunners might afford Private Allen Lambert the 'respect' he has surely 'earned.' Prior to darkening the autumnal air with the usual speckled-array of lead shot, they might first perform some sort of multi-gun salute, in recognition of the undoubted death of English 'justice' as we know it. A boot-licker's honorarium!


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